It's Doctor Venkman!!!!
1: A Proton Pack Rack will be added I assume, will proton pack be added to that?
Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I'm going to start building my first pack this winter. I haven't ever propped before, the Ecto-1 will be my first task (started, of course, not completed). My motto is “start big”.
It's Doctor Venkman!!!!
2: Are you adding all the cool gadgets like in the RGB? The radio, with and all the electronics on the dash, Traps that came from the sides of the roof, a proton cannon on the middle of the roof. None of this is planed it it?
I really liked your RGB pack and, as you may or may not know, I'm a HUGE RGB fan. That being said, I'm basing my car off of the Ecto-1 in the original film. If nothing else, because the Ecto-1 in RGB wasn't that different from the one in the movie. The main difference is the various functionality they added to it on various episodes. This made it cool, indeed. However, just like any cartoon, things weren't entirely consistent and it would be hard to determine what should stay and what should go.