Excellent Idea here.

by DragonTech

23 years, 2 months ago

Yo I was playing a little card game my friend made today when I got to thinking. They have craptacular Pokemon card game, they got Star wars card game, why not GB card game?

It would be cool, they could have the 4 GB and equipment and endless ghosts and stuff. They could put some RGB and GB II and EGB stuff in there too, and wait, I think we've hit a million-dollar-idea.

by stembob27

23 years, 2 months ago

usually I'm nice to people about there ideas, but dude…………NO. thats would simply cheapen the ghostbuster idea. It would fail miserably and simply give a second reason (EGB technically the first) to companies to NOT make an attempt to resurrect GB again (something none of us want).

no offense,
just go home and play pokemon,

by SpiffSupreme

23 years, 2 months ago

I'm afraid I have to agree with stembob.

On one hand, yes, this card game sounds like an interesting idea. With the right marketing and development it might just work…

… of course, stembob definetley makes a good point. Great ideas have been destroyed by being done poorly.

by creed

23 years, 2 months ago

I agree with stembob + did you ever play or attempt to play the pokemon game it stunk + most of the shows or whatever that get card games start going belly up maby its bad karma


23 years, 2 months ago

I work at a game shop and i must say NO, it would fail, it would make pokemon look good. I dont if know anyone remebers a Scooby Doo CCG and what happend to it? It failed like the taliban rule. And it had the same idea your going after.

by DragonTech

23 years, 2 months ago

I'll play Pokemon when hell freezes over and people start skating on it.

Ok, I had no idea about this trading card thing. I can't stand battle card/trading card games. The *stupid* pokemon one almost ruined my life when all my friends decided they hated me because I wasn't into it. And when I finaly accepted peer presure they took advantige of me and traded all my good cards for crappy cards that I thought were good. To say the least I soon went home and burned all my pokemon cards with a blowtorch, (in the fireplace of course.)

The star wars one I never got, the magic one I never got, cards games suck. But I thought I could make this one good, oh well, I'm just an idiot.


by GhostBuster-Duo

23 years, 2 months ago

……………………..NO It would fail………………..