Extreme Ghostbusters Games - Poll

by Shadow2K

16 years ago

Since Ghostbusters The Game isn't due untill June I've recently aquired 2 of the Extreme Ghostbusters games to tide me over for now. I got the GameBoy Color and PS1 games, and I must admit they are pretty good. Nothing spectacular but they sure as heck ain't crap like the NES Ghostbusters and the GameBoy RGB games. *shivers*

So, has anyone else here own or played any of these XGB games?

by slimer3881

16 years ago

the Gameboy Color one was pretty good, the gameplay was a little repetitive, but then again, its a 8-bit game, so theres not much to expect.

ive never played the Ps1 version, how is it?

by Yehome

16 years ago

I'll buy the PS1 one game when I'll see it on eBay.

I own the GBC version which is correct, too bad it wasn't on GBA (we could barely see the ghosts on the GBC screen).

I've played Code: Ecto-1 on emulator. Good game but the Ecto-1 sequences could have been improved A LOT (And where the hell is the original siren?!).

by Lord_Kane

16 years ago

I have Code: Ecto-1 kicking around somewhere.

by robbritton

16 years ago

The PS1 ultimate invasion game is a bit lame, sadly.

by Venkman582

16 years ago

After a two and half year period of not finding XGB: Code Ecto 1 in the stores I finally found it on KB toys website in 2003. I have yet to complete it, but I must say it is a pretty fun game. Makes me wonder what an RGB game simalar to could have been like back in the original Gameboy day instead of the piece of garbage we got.

by Shadow2K

16 years ago

The PS1 game is pure arcade shooter, I like it alot since I'm a Virtua Cop fan. I'm playing it on my US PS2 using my CodeBreaker&swap trick, but it won't let the soundtrack play this way. Sad, since it has a great techno like soundtrack.

I play the GBC game mainly on my GameCube's GBAPlayer, makes it so easier to see ghosts. I'm at the final stage and can't seam to beat it, theres just so many dang ghosts!

the Gameboy Color one was pretty good, the gameplay was a little repetitive, but then again, its a 8-bit game, so theres not much to expect.

ive never played the Ps1 version, how is it?

by Yehome

16 years ago

Could you please try to record a bit of the Ultimate Invasion?
I can't manage to see footages from that game.