Extreme Peoplebusters

by Zombie

16 years, 5 months ago

Several people have talked about this concept but no one has made any drawings yet so I figured I'd give it a try.

Garret: I decided to make him one with his wheelchair. I also let him drool ectoplasm to make him more ghoulish.
Roland: I wanted him to look like he's got some mutating infection that has fused his hand onto the gun and is starting to take over his face. (The gun thing is sort of what I suggested to Bativac but wasn't able to describe precisely enough)
Kylie: The others in the crew often made fun of how she resembled a vampire, so of course I made her one. But to avoid her from looking to different from the others I made her body a skeleton.
Eudorado: With the others as vampire, ghost and mutant I was wondering what kind of design to give him. Decided to go for a zombie-like thing. So he was made to look like a rotting corpse.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Several people have talked about this concept but no one has made any drawings yet so I figured I'd give it a try.

Ah… Fritz Baugh recently did a picture of his idea of the “Extreme Peoplebusters”… it'll be displayed at the top of the second part of his newest story, Flipside War once he publically releases it.

Great illustratrion none the less, Zombie. Although Kylie could've had a normal body, not all of the Peoplebusters were skeletons.

by Bativac

16 years, 5 months ago

Pretty cool! I like how Garrett's wheels are coming right out of his spine! I also like the idea of the flesh melting off of the one guy (Roland?) with the gun stuck on his arm.

I might be inspired to draw a couple of these guys…

by DocFritz

16 years, 5 months ago

Several people have talked about this concept but no one has made any drawings yet so I figured I'd give it a try.

Ah… Fritz Baugh recently did a picture of his idea of the “Extreme Peoplebusters”… it'll be displayed at the top of the second part of his newest story, Flipside War once he publically releases it.

August 18th. It'll be at this url:

Thankfully, my idea is completely different.

That doesn't mean I don't think yours is awesome–because it is.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 5 months ago

Funky job man! :-)

by Zombie

16 years, 5 months ago

Ah… Fritz Baugh recently did a picture of his idea of the “Extreme Peoplebusters”… it'll be displayed at the top of the second part of his newest story, Flipside War once he publically releases it.

Ok, I don't read much fanfics. Let me change that to be the first one to SHOW a drawing of them.

Great illustratrion none the less, Zombie. Although Kylie could've had a normal body, not all of the Peoplebusters were skeletons.
Maybe not, but they were all decayed, mutated or disfigured in some way. I figured she needed more than just fangs in order to look as ghastly as the others.

Pretty cool! I like how Garrett's wheels are coming right out of his spine! I also like the idea of the flesh melting off of the one guy (Roland?) with the gun stuck on his arm.

I might be inspired to draw a couple of these guys…
Thanks, I'm proud of how the wheelchair thing has become a part of him. I thought that was a clever idea. And feel free to draw them yourself. I'd be more than happy to see that.

by Ectoman57

16 years, 5 months ago

i as this post a while ago but forgot to comment. i have to say, (^_^) omg I LOVE these, do u mind if i try to color it?

by eatingfood1

16 years, 5 months ago

AWSOME! Flip side EGB? haha!

by UltimateGBfan

16 years, 5 months ago

OMG that is totally awesome!

Man I've been wanting to get back into drawing GB stuff but have only been drawing Transformers stuff lately.You might “draw” me back into drawing GB stuff.

by Zombie

16 years, 5 months ago

i as this post a while ago but forgot to comment. i have to say, (^_^) omg I LOVE these, do u mind if i try to color it?

I answered to this before the forum died, but seems that post has been deleted so in case you didn't get that post; Yes, I would love to see someone color it, if you need a higher resolution image there's one here: http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs32/f/2008/233/4/0/Extreme_Peoplebusters_by_Itchyscratchy.jpg

Thanks to everyone else who commented to, you've encouraged me to draw more GB stuff in the future.