fan comic

by robertknippels1

18 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for the compliments Bladex,

I will show you all some better colour art soon…the picture you've seen with the colours is not how it will look like. But I will promise that I will put up one in colour soon.

I am glad that people like the art..I do hope that they will like the story as well.

best regards,


by Bladex_2004

18 years, 2 months ago

So far of the story i have seen, which is only a bit, I like.

I like the darkness of the story which is in the vein of what the original script of gb was to be, it aint some candy coated story to please the parents who felt the first movie was to scary for little kids.

I cant wait and just think how the gb community will react when the read this, there will be a huge fan base and ya may have to make a GB4 fan cominc because i feel it is a huge success waiting to be unleashed