Fan Fiction "One sentence at a time"

by mdp872105

16 years, 11 months ago


As you know there are many Fan fics out there but I had an Idea what if we all made a Fan Fiction together. One Sentence at a time. Now if have two or three real short sentence that you need to type to get your point across go ahead just don't go over board.

This is a good a example.
Egon looks a ray and says, “Ray after looking over the data I think we got a problem a big problem. The slime has started to rise again”

Here the details.
This is going to take place after Ghostbusters II just after they receive the key to the city. Thats it, thats all the details, if you want them to expand let them expand if you want them to fight another super ghost let them fight another super ghost its all up to your imagination. There are some rules though.

The Rules:

1. Make sure they're proper sentences and try avoid misspellings
2. No sentence fragments or run-on sentences (Even if you have a really good idea don't do a run-on just so you can get your point across)
3. No double posting give every one a chance to control the story
4. Don't do really silly stuff, humor is good but it can ruin a story if done wrong.
For example
“Venkmen then walked over to ray's bed and pooped in it.”
(Funny but very Stupid)
5. Respect peoples post even if you don't like the way the story is going or don't like what the previous person posted you can take a post to try and move it in another direction.
6. If you have a suggestion for the story put ** before and after the post so we know it’s not part of the story. You can use it to make suggestions or criticize the story or praise what ever you want to do.
Here is a sample post
Ray calls up the paper company.

**I think we should try and get a new member for the team**
7. No racist, offensive, or questionable comments. Don't go trash talking a religion, race, or life style. You can make a reference to one just be respectful about it. We have a diverse community let’s try to respect it.
8. The last rule take this serious but have fun with it.

**To the Mods**

I think this could be a great fun project for the community so I hope you consider making this a sticky. Feel free to move my post, edit it, change things what ever you like to do

by mdp872105

16 years, 11 months ago

Soon after receiving the key to the city the crowd shortly after started to depart, leaving the Ghostbusters alone in front of the statue of liberty.

**I know i said not to double post in the rules but this is just to get the ball rolling **

by newrecruit1

16 years, 11 months ago

Venkman looks at the others: “So, what do we do now? Better be ready, who knows what will happen in fIvE yEaRs!”

by bluestarcontra

16 years, 11 months ago

Egon regarded him dryly, “Peter, I think we should be glad that this time the city hasn't reacted to our services with a major lawsuit.”

by mdp872105

16 years, 11 months ago

Winston chuckles, “Yeah I really didn't feel like doing kids parties’ again”

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 11 months ago

Egon pulls a calculator from his pocket and begins to start inputing numbers. “Peter, we really need to talk about the ‘Mood Slime’. By my calculations there may still be some left in the city and its effectiveness as a tool could prove rather useful in the future.”

by mdp872105

16 years, 11 months ago

Venkman smiles and says, “See Egon I knew you liked my dancing toaster product line idea.”

**I know in the rules I said only one sentence at a time but a few post like this is acceptable as long as you don't go over board. also i like the direction you went **
Egon pulls a calculator from his pocket and begins to start inputing numbers. “Peter, we really need to talk about the ‘Mood Slime’. By my calculations there may still be some left in the city and its effectiveness as a tool could prove rather useful in the future.”

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 11 months ago

“There certainly is further testing that we could do” Ray said with an excited smile.

**OOC** Well I was trying to hop directly into some sort of story since there was just idle chatter going on. My only beef with one sentece at a time is how are one of us, playing a character like say egon or a scientist for a post, supposed to get a line of thought out we have for that moment in one sentence. Also as I stated some play on the forum not to long ago. I paragraph RP so writing JUST a sentence per post is a hard habit to knock. Also with ‘One Sentence at a time’ in " I read into that as meaning one post at a time..**/OOC**

by mdp872105

16 years, 11 months ago

The horn for the ferry sounds in the background indicating the ship was about ready to leave port and return to Manhattan island.

**I understand your concern and i thought about that when i made this topic. Trust me i don't mind people bending the rules a little here and there, so if need to type more then one sentence go ahead I just don't want people to write big old sections you know what i mean **

** I've decided to update the rules so it will be a little more loose**

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 11 months ago

(why not try my GB RPG?)