FAN FILM: GB: On Call Too High Definition

by Sp9543

15 years, 2 months ago

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know about our latest fan film, GB: On Call Too High Definition. It is an improvisational comedy in the vein of Reno 911 and Curb Your Enthusiasm and follows the NJGB as they try to stop the murderous rampage of Joey Marlton, a reoccurring zombie who haunts the Pine Barren's Joe's Lake. You may remember our first film Well, now we are back and would love it if you'd check out our Facebook page and become fans There you can see a teaser trailer and some promotional stills. We are scheduled for a Thanksgiving 2009 release date! Spread the word and hope you enjoy the film.

by Sp9543

15 years ago

Hey guys! The film has been released and can be seen here. Let us know what you think and don't forget to join our facebook group!



The First One - GB: On Call (2006)

by ghostbusters2131

15 years ago

Hey, it ain´t any bad, too much influenced by Reno 911, but it´s a well produced fan film… but… where the heck are the FX?? never used the proton packs (and the props look good).

by Sp9543

15 years ago

GB231, thanks for the kind words, glad you enjoyed it. The lack of proton streams was a choice we made. We felt that the NJGB were too dumb to ever get to the point where they would remember to use the packs. We felt that it would help to frustrate the viewer a little and get him/her to feel as if the NJGB were just hopeless. I think it also helps to make the other FX shots stand out (Harry Pizzle wand, magic drink, gun shot etc).

Thanks for taking the time to check it out! It means a lot.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years ago

Ok, I got the point, well thought. I liked it, looking forward for another episode.