Fanfic announcement--do not lock, please!

by Nix

18 years, 2 months ago

I'm planning to do a nice little Ghostbusters UK/Doctor Who crossover entitled “School's Out.”

I was wondering if I could somehow obtain the rights to include Kingpin, Sinister et al in this story, which should be pretty interesting, and more than a little scary in parts. (What's the complete roster of the UK Ghostbusters personnel, if you please?)

THE STORYLINE: The Doctor and his companion, 22-year-old Kojima Miharu, land in (either 1980's or 1990's) England, near Coal Hill Secondary School (what's the proper term, though? I'll correct it later) which is haunted. Lights are flickering, strange voices are taunting the students, an instructor has been possessed, and, worst of all, a strange slime is dripping from the walls. The possessed faculty members are being ordered to collect the slime and put it into the school dinners (lunches to Americans!), for unknown reasons.

The UK Ghostbusters have been called in to investigate. Soon, the Doctor agrees to help them fight a powerful demon who calls himself…THE SCHOOLMASTER.

Okay, so this is a GBUK/Doctor Who/Pink Floyd crossover (the Schoolmaster is the creature from “The Wall.”) And please don't worry, I'll make the UK Ghostbusters look very good in this story.

As this is a Doctor Who story as well, may I also post this on the Outpost Gallifrey message board (which I am also a member of) as well as GBnet?

Many thanks,


by slimer3881

18 years, 2 months ago

i dont think the ghostbusters are into stoner bands.

by Kingpin

18 years, 2 months ago

Whether it's intentional or not… it does bear more then a few striking similarities to last year's School Reunion episode… ranging from controlling people with school means to the main villian being a high ranking authority in the school.

I'm not familiar with the companion… is she one of your own invention?

by sinister1

18 years, 2 months ago

To put my input in…

Within Ghostbusters UK continuity which basis itself on Fritz's omnibus timeline, Doctor Who has been established as a fictional show. However, and this of course is PENDING a discussion with Ben, if the fic was listed as being alternate universe AND that our characters and organisation were presented accurately. I'd be happy for this to continue as long as the overall quality of the fic was high. As Ben said, it bears a resemblance to a recent episode.

by DocFritz

18 years, 2 months ago

It'd have to by an Apocrypha, especially if the time frame stays intact. In the GBI Omnibus Timeline GBUK doesn't form until 2002.

That being said, as a DW fan (though sadly not up on the current version yet) I'd be interested in seeing how this goes.

And I'm pretty sure the companion is his own invention.

by Nix

18 years, 2 months ago

I admit to taking a certain amount of inspiration from “School Reunion”, having never seen it in my life. (No Sci-Fi Channel, must wait till the DVDs come out.)

I also admit that the “Doctor Who: Manga” fanfic series consists of Doctor Who episodes that, IMO, could have been done with a more supernatural/horrific take. I did one called “I, Cyberman” recently, which was a patch on “Age of Steel/Rise of…” except Dr. Herbert West, the RE ANIMATOR, created the titular beasts as zombies for a military project.

This IS alternate universe as well, but I haven't yet read the GB UK part of Fritz's canon guide yet. Still, I'm kind of having mixed feelings about this one–it's starting to fall apart the more I think about it!

Also, I've always had the Schoolmaster from “The Wall” as a Ghostbusters villain. He just looks so…ghostly and evil most of the time. (As for the GB UK's: The story wouldn't work in any other context than an English high school! Also, I thought these “franchises” were just fan clubs without basis in any particular canon! Shows how out of it I am!)

PS: Both Koji Miharu and this particular Doctor are my own. The Doc, in fact, looks to be around 20-25, with spiky white (!) hair.

by DocFritz

18 years, 2 months ago

As an Apocrypha you don't have to worry about the entire GBI/GBOT canon–just get the approval of the characters who actually appear in the story.

And don't let us guys who've had way too much time to think about these things discourage you.

by Nix

18 years, 2 months ago

Argh! I'm wading through the GBI timeline, and I find myself drowning. Your “canon” has just loaded my idea into a “cannon” and shot it into next week, I think.

A few quick questions:

What's the difference between Graveyard Shift and regular GBUK? (I know it must be similar to the difference between Unleaded and Plus, but still…)

Can you direct me to a GBI character bios page, please?

Many thanks, and don't shoot me out of a “cannon” just yet.

by Kingpin

18 years, 2 months ago

What's the difference between Graveyard Shift and regular GBUK? (I know it must be similar to the difference between Unleaded and Plus, but still…)

That's quite the Pandora's Box. I used to be in Nightsquad along with a bunch of other people… we eventually parted terms with the franchise as it was going through a retconning… and partially as a way of still doing stuff with those people, and also largely out of spite I set up the Ghostbusters UK: Graveyard Shift, the ‘night’ shift of what started out as a 24 hours a day GBUK. There isn't actually much of it left now…

I don't want to spoil to much, plot wise… but you can read up on some of the stuff involving them in Chronicles of Gozer… and a large shift in the GBUK roster comes to a head at the finale of the return of Gozer.

Can you direct me to a GBI character bios page, please?

Many thanks, and don't shoot me out of a “cannon” just yet.

We had bios for half of the staff on the GBUK page… but Iain and I have to talk to Mike and get it sorted out as it's down at the moment… annoyingly. It gives the impression we're dead and buried, when in fact we've just got a log jam of backed up stories.

As for Canon, what's usually done is that the beta readers bring any canon contradictions to light and discuss them. I'm not putting my seal of approval on this yet… but what I suggest for now is write a treatment, maybe the first five/seven chapters perhapse?

If you go to, you can read a couple of the GBUK ‘Case Files’ I uploaded there for reference… it isn't perfect, but it's a start. Also read Chronicles of Gozer. :p

by DocFritz

18 years, 2 months ago

Sometimes I forget how dense our version of the mythology has become…

One important safety tip: don't try to absorb it all at once. It'd probably drive you insane. I mean, since I'm the guy who wrote it and I'm insane, it might be contagious.

There isn't really a “master index” but that might not be a bad idea. But a couple things that you might find helpful to start off with:

This is the original Timeline, centered on the original and Extreme Ghostbusters, and far more squarely based on the actual canon of the movies, animated series, and the Now Comics material.

Character profiles of the New York Ghostbusters in the GBOT fan fic continuity.

GBUK's web site. EDIT: Hm…Like Ben said, it appears to be down right now…

A fan fic site based on the Timelines

And again, let me state it:

If it's all right with the members of GBUK, you don't have to follow any of that. Some people enjoy learning all that backstory and writing in that paradigm–other people run away screaming from it. If it makes you uncomfortable and your eyes bleed, don't worry about it.

That being said, I'm more than willing to answer any questions you might have, whether here, GBHQ, or even at my own board.