Fanfic announcement--do not lock, please!

by Nix

18 years, 2 months ago

Okay, then, time for basic questions.

1) Kingpin, Sinister, other parties involved, what are your personalities like? (I'm only asking for frame of reference, so that I can get a good bead on how to get the characters straight.)

2) What are the other members' pseudonyms? (It's for a running gag wherein the Doctor keeps messing up their names.)

3) Are you working on your own right now, or is TORCHWOOD helping you? (I'm joking here, obviously.)

(another Schoolmaster reference; you don't have to answer this one!)

Okay, the story so far goes like this: The Schoolmaster wants to escape his realm. In order to do this, he's got to break the mathematical enigma that holds him in check. Being such an evil guy, he possesses the instructors and commands them to make the students do it for him. The slime the Schoolmaster exudes from time to time gives the students the ability to solve these non-Euclidean mathematics. You can figure out where the story goes from that point on, I take it…

by sinister1

18 years, 1 month ago

Okay, then, time for basic questions.

1) Kingpin, Sinister, other parties involved, what are your personalities like? (I'm only asking for frame of reference, so that I can get a good bead on how to get the characters straight.)

2) What are the other members' pseudonyms? (It's for a running gag wherein the Doctor keeps messing up their names.)

3) Are you working on your own right now, or is TORCHWOOD helping you? (I'm joking here, obviously.)

(another Schoolmaster reference; you don't have to answer this one!)

Okay, the story so far goes like this: The Schoolmaster wants to escape his realm. In order to do this, he's got to break the mathematical enigma that holds him in check. Being such an evil guy, he possesses the instructors and commands them to make the students do it for him. The slime the Schoolmaster exudes from time to time gives the students the ability to solve these non-Euclidean mathematics. You can figure out where the story goes from that point on, I take it…

RE: 3 - Jack and I are currently involved. As for the rest, I'll get back to you. :p

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

RE: 3 - Jack and I are currently involved. As for the rest, I'll get back to you. :p

Why is it you always leave me being the last to know? And after announcing it on a public forum, no less!

by sinister1

18 years, 1 month ago

RE: 3 - Jack and I are currently involved. As for the rest, I'll get back to you. :p

Why is it you always leave me being the last to know? And after announcing it on a public forum, no less!

Sorry Ben, I hope this doesn't affect ‘us’ in any way?

by Nix

18 years, 1 month ago

RE: 3 - Jack and I are currently involved. As for the rest, I'll get back to you. :p

Why is it you always leave me being the last to know? And after announcing it on a public forum, no less!

Sorry Ben, I hope this doesn't affect ‘us’ in any way?


I probably shouldn't have made the Torchwood comment!!!

Pity poor Nix, who lives in the USA and probably won't get to see “Torchwood” because of the FCC's meddling ways…

by Nix

18 years, 1 month ago

And now for my next trick…I shall make a desperate attempt to steer this thread back on topic so it doesn't get moved…

What kind of equipment do you guys have? (IE proton packs and all that?)

by sinister1

18 years, 1 month ago

For reference:

Any remarks about sexual liaisons between myself, Ben and/or Jack are just a joke, and really, should not be taken seriously.

by Nix

18 years, 1 month ago

I know, I know, we're all just winding each other up.

On topic, can you also provide any details about ‘the car?’

Surely you don't drive 1959 Miller Meteor ambulances in England?

(I'm guessing it's a large, black, all-purpose van with lights and a huge antenna on top, emblazoned with your GBUK logos on the sides.)

by sinister1

18 years, 1 month ago

I know, I know, we're all just winding each other up.

On topic, can you also provide any details about ‘the car?’

Surely you don't drive 1959 Miller Meteor ambulances in England?

(I'm guessing it's a large, black, all-purpose van with lights and a huge antenna on top, emblazoned with your GBUK logos on the sides.)

British Ambulance. White.

I would give you ALL the details. but frankly… I'm lazy. And if our dear little techie pulls through our site with all the info you need on it SHOULD be online soon.

by Nix

18 years, 1 month ago

Well, the public school angle didn't work after all.

I changed the focus of the story to a boarding school for “problem children”, who come back traumatized from being terrified beyond belief by this Schoolmaster character. Might need some more help to make the whole thing gel together, though.