Fantastic Four

by fome

17 years, 8 months ago

I saw the movie and it was good

by spengs1

17 years, 8 months ago

The sequel will probably grow on me over time, overall I enjoyed the original more. If you haven't seen it yet, I'd advise to wait until its a rental.

by zack1

17 years, 8 months ago

I left the theater with an overall feeling of “ehhhhh” I dunno I just couldn't get into it really. Anyone else hate the General? haha not the actor, I just couldn't stand him in the movie and the Fantastic Four being treated like crap. I can't remember the comics too well and I know the wedding stuff was a big part of it, but it just took awhile for them to do anything heroic. Every 5 minutes the General was on their case. I know the world was ending but…

I thought the stuff with the wedding and the club were funny at times. I liked the Fantasticar. I wasn't crazy about Silver Surfer/Galactus. Even though the world was being destroyed, it felt like there was no villain really established that well or you really didn't see many people panicking because the world was ending. I guess the whole “world being destroyed” thing didn't phase me. Doctor Doom felt like he was in the movie about 10 minutes. I think there was maybe one or two things I actually laughed at. Again I just had a hard time getting into it.

Another Invisible Woman accidentally is naked. (*janine) haha the switching powers was a little funny. Human Torch, I dunno, just seemed more like an ass than being funny and sarcastic. Like I know what they were going for with the character but it just got hard to like him sometimes. SPOILERS BELOW Read on at your own discretion.

Did anyone else enjoy it as much as I did when Doom killed the General? haha Also Dr Doom riding the surfboard? c'mooooon. It was hard to get into what little action it seemed like there was.
haha I still dunno. Maybe another eventual viewing will change my mind but nothing really jumped out at me about this movie. Maybe everyone else will feel differently though. See it at some point.


by spengs1

17 years, 8 months ago

I never read the comics. It did seem wrong when the F4 were ordered to work with Victor. Yeah I realize a good bad guy can realize the errors of his ways (ie: Doc Oc) and do the right thing in the end. This is suppose to be Doom, he always had ulterior motives.

As I said the sequel may grow on me. Normally with these types of movies, my friends and I will talk about them, feeling “really good” ya know from seeing such a great film. I think this is the first comic book movie where my friend and I barely had any discussion about it. (*winston)

by Son_Of_Venkman

17 years, 4 months ago

(*rant) (*spam) I liked the Fantastic Four comic books, the FF cartoons, but I didn't really like either of the movies made by Tim Story (Jessica Alba as Sue Storm/Invisible Woman, I mean what the ?)