Favorite and Least favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger movies.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 7 months ago

Peter Venkmen;162727
Depends on which Mr. Freeze actually. The 60s Mr. Freeze was kind of like how Arnold was in the movie, a more typical type of villain with no real motive (although he did have one motive in this.)

I like Arnold but I didn't think he was a good choice for Mr. Freeze.

While I agree with you that if they were going for the campy Mr. Freeze from the early comics (and considering how campy that movie is…they probably were) Arnold was a great choice for Freeze.

Many at the time the movie came out, however, had begun to associate the name Mr. Freeze with Paul Dini / Bruce Timm re-envisioning of him (voiced by the irreplaceable Michael Ansara)…myself included in that statement. I think it was this that made people (once again, myself included) disappointed not only in the casting but in the return to the characters more campiness (as well as the movie in general).

Sorry. Most of my knowledge of batman comes from the 90s animated series and the batman movies. I've never really gotten into Batman comics. The version of Mr. Freeze in the 90s series doesn't look anything like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The original Freeze was a generic “cold” themed villain who, like pointed out by Peter Venkmen, had very little rhyme or reason if any at all to much of what he was doing.

I think this is why people became so attached to the 90's B:TAM portrayal in the series. They gave him a purpose and motive for what he was doing. That series in general was just bad ass…………until they decided to ruin it.

by Nix

14 years, 7 months ago

Exactly. Many years ago, I heard a rumor that they were looking at Patrick Stewart to play Mr. Freeze. I wish they went with him instead.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 7 months ago

I admit Hercules in New York was bad but it was also very funny. It probably helped that I watched the Arnold dubbed version. I'd give it an 8/10.

by Zombie

14 years, 7 months ago

I think my favourites has to be the first three Terminator movies, Last Action Hero and Red Heat. As for my least favourite movies of his, it has to be Batman and Robin and Total Recall.