Favorite Motörhead Albums

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 2 months ago

I don’t understand what people like about punk rock music.

What's there not to get? And I want examples, not the standard “they all sing about the same thing,” brou-ha.

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

I don’t understand what people like about punk rock music.

What's there not to get? And I want examples, not the standard “they all sing about the same thing,” brou-ha.
I don’t get why they scream and try making there voices sound like monster voices and stuff.

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 2 months ago

I don’t understand what people like about punk rock music.

What's there not to get? And I want examples, not the standard “they all sing about the same thing,” brou-ha.
I don’t get why they scream and try making there voices sound like monster voices and stuff.

could you really picture singing with the pace and brutality that punk follows?


i couldnt picture it any other way

and like what misfit said - it's a mesage

a rebellion

a movement (if you will)

i personally do not own any Motorhead albums but i do like what they do


i saw lemmy at the NAMM convention and my god is he ugly, so many tumors or warts or whatever…


by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 2 months ago

I don’t get why they scream and try making there voices sound like monster voices and stuff.

I believe you're describing Black Metal, Death Metal, etc. I've never heard Johnny Ramone making “monster” voices before!

Of course, there is no real punk “style”, as Misfit said it's a message. An attitude. An idea. People who play music in a punk-rock style, or dress in a punk-rock style, are really just pathetic Posers. Like Trey Parker said about the L.A. punk scene; “The only way to be punk-rock anymore is to be ultra-conservative.”

Anyway. Motorhead. I'm really not too familiar with them, although I love Ace of Spades (the song). And for a long time I had facial hair like Lemmy (or James Hetfield back in the day).

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

I remember a kid I knew told me to download a song because it was really cool so I downloaded the song he told me about which was called November by Silverstein. God I could not take listening to it. I told the kid how I hated the song and he told me I needed to listen to it to get used to it. Then he said that’s how Punk Rock music is, you needed to listen to it for a while before you like it.

I’m sorry I just can’t get used to someone screaming throw out a song. I need music that’s more… soothing.

But anyways,
Motorhead made a song called Ace of Spades. Is it there own song or just a remake of Link Wray’s Ace of Spades?

by fome

17 years, 2 months ago

Motorhead is a metal band.

Punk is a message, if you don't get punk rock, the message isn't for you.

lol, I heard someone saying the same thing for Jazz music.

the same is said about Crap, uh I mean rap


by misfit1

17 years, 2 months ago

Motorhead is a metal band.

Punk is a message, if you don't get punk rock, the message isn't for you.

lol, I heard someone saying the same thing for Jazz music.

the same is said about Crap, uh I mean rap


It's the same with all movements I guess. Plus fome, check out GB:A this week for your cameo

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

It's the same with all movements I guess

Yep. When not in the right element, a new style of music is like a cacophony; to “accept it”, you need at least one person in your environment who likes it. The more you hear that music, the more you may like it. The % is increased if it comes from a friend.

Another factor applies: positive/intellectual comments about it. You use music then to express yourself / to show your level of intellect / to represent your value / to show the way you feel / to say who you are / to exploit its image/style… You can even find a style of music interesting, because it reminds you of something pleasant. If your environment contain a group of persons who like to talk about music styles, its history, you may become very open minded.

Nobody needs to love every type of music. The brain's response is different for each individual. That's why we can/not understand others. Some people have the potentiel to open their mind more than others; but it doesn't mean that it makes them more spiritual. But that's another story…

by MasterSpider

17 years, 2 months ago

I own Ace of Spades which is a classic but I haven't delved much further than that.

Lemmy sings for Probot's “Shake Your Blood” which is an awesome song, so I guess my Lemmy/Motorhead know ends there…

by JamesCGamora

17 years, 2 months ago

I honestly never really could get into Motörhead. I was more of a Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, and Megadeth fan myself. Though that said I didn't totally dislike them…there were a few songs that I liked. The forementioned Ace of Spades from the album of the same name being one of them.