Post ‘em here guys!
Franklin: “Look! I can eat a hot dog like Mommy!”
Johnny Storm: “Boo yah! That’s for cheating me out of Cartoon royalties, H.E.R.B.I.E.!”
Cyclops: “Uh, P-Professor! This is…is just a Danger Room, uh, hazing…
Professor X: ”Stow it, Scott. I'm coming up the drive.“
Cyclops: ”…Crap in a hat.“
Christopher Lee: ”STOP! Or my Orc Army shall–…“
Spider-man: ”Wrong movie, Karloff.“
Christopher Lee: ”Ahh, what do I know? I've been acting in front of a green screen for three years. I could be in ‘Howard the Duck 2’ for all I know!“
Silver Surfer: ”I am–…“
Thing: I ain't talkin' to youse unless youse gets some pants on.”
(and later in that same story)
Galactacus: “…Pants? I didn't remove your gentials so you could wear pants.”
Howard the Duck: “Uh-uh! I don't come within 100 miles of George Lucas!”