Favorite "Twisted ToyFare Theater" quotes!!

by Cliff-Roswell

21 years, 7 months ago

Post ‘em here guys!

Franklin: “Look! I can eat a hot dog like Mommy!”

Johnny Storm: “Boo yah! That’s for cheating me out of Cartoon royalties, H.E.R.B.I.E.!”

Cyclops: “Uh, P-Professor! This is…is just a Danger Room, uh, hazing…
Professor X: ”Stow it, Scott. I'm coming up the drive.“
Cyclops: ”…Crap in a hat.“

Christopher Lee: ”STOP! Or my Orc Army shall–…“
Spider-man: ”Wrong movie, Karloff.“
Christopher Lee: ”Ahh, what do I know? I've been acting in front of a green screen for three years. I could be in ‘Howard the Duck 2’ for all I know!“

Silver Surfer: ”I am–…“
Thing: I ain't talkin' to youse unless youse gets some pants on.”

(and later in that same story)
Galactacus: “…Pants? I didn't remove your gentials so you could wear pants.”

Howard the Duck: “Uh-uh! I don't come within 100 miles of George Lucas!”


by GBinOrlando

21 years, 7 months ago

when they used to have people send in custom figures, before it was monthly, it was every so often. there was this really good sculpted figure from a hero or something named “concrete”. im not familiar with the guy, but everytime i read what they had him say i laugh for a while.

anyway, its a visual. so if you know who he is, he's got no way to tell what he is…his arms are open as a sign of nothing being there
here it is.

“even with out testicles, i am content.”

by Frosty

16 years, 12 months ago

Captain Kirk is on a beach with three Barbie dolls. He asks one of them, “Hey there, wanna see the captain's log?” One of the other Barbies discourages her with “Don't do it, Michelle!” while the third covers her eyes and shouts “I AM FOREVER BLIND!”.

This was back when it was Twisted Mego Theatre, though. Meh.