Favorite video game of all time

by slimer3161

21 years, 8 months ago

Knock your selves out!

by river_of_slime

21 years, 8 months ago

I really dont know all the games i like

by gbray1

21 years, 8 months ago


by lordvego1

21 years, 8 months ago

Resident Evil Directors Cut for PS1. I LOVE THAT GAME! I remember when it first came out i got it…i was like what…7 8 or 9 back in 96/97 and that game scared the hell out of me! i loved it..i will always like that game the best

by OdinsBlood

21 years, 8 months ago

Resident Evil Directors Cut for PS1. I LOVE THAT GAME! I remember when it first came out i got it…i was like what…7 8 or 9 back in 96/97 and that game scared the hell out of me! i loved it..i will always like that game the best
7,8,9? *starts to sob uncontrollably*

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 8 months ago


1. Zelda Ocarina of time

2. Zelda (NES)

3. Half Life - Counterstrike

4. GTA Vice City

5. Half Life

6. Shenmue (sega dreamcast)

7. Gran Turismo aspec III

8. Super Mario III

9. Warcraft III

10. Metal Gear Solid II

by MasterSpider

21 years, 8 months ago

Top 5 in no particular order, then top 10:
1. Zombies Ate My Neighbors
2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
3. Tekken 2
4. Perfect Dark
5. Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace: Jedi Power Battles
6. Metal Gear Solid
7. Chrono Trigger
8. Mario Kart (SNES)
9. Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
10. Spider-Man (Genesis)

There you have it…

by Ghostbusters

21 years, 8 months ago

Zelda Ocarina Of Time
and MGS2 Substance

by TheRazorsEdge

21 years, 8 months ago

Well, the games I have the fondest memories of playing are River City Ransom, Super Mario World, and Mortal Kombat II, so I guess they'd be my all-time favorites.

by saber_holder

21 years, 8 months ago

Crazy Taxi!