Favorite video game of all time

by spookbuster1

21 years, 8 months ago

Heh, uh okay laugh at me but the Harry Potter games for Gameboy Advance….

by CadillacBrougham

21 years, 8 months ago

HA, someone had to laugh, i was first

1) Battllefield 1942, pc (unlike anything else)
2) Grand Theft Auto III (true fan ever since first pc days)
3) Super Mario series, (favorite being Super Mario World, least favorite, Mario 2, the retarded sequel)
4) Wario Ware Inc., GBA( seriously, if you have a gba check this out it!)
5)Jk II: Jedi Outcast, pc (first mmo game ive played)
6) Final Fantasy 9, ps1 (the only FF to ever appeal to me)
7)Toe Jam and Earl: Panic on Funkatron, sega (really bizare and fun)
8)Crazy Taxi, dreamcast (made me an adrenaline junkie)
9) Rush 2049, dreamcast (sweet mulitiplayer stunt mode)
10) Goldeneye 007, n64 (who doesnt love this game!)

by sinister1

21 years, 8 months ago

Eternal Darkness

by slimer3161

21 years, 8 months ago

1)Super Mario RPG-SNES
2)TMNT 4:turtles in time-SNES
3)Metroid Prime-game cube
4)Simpsons road rage-Game Cube

I'll put down more whe i feel like it.

5)Resident Evil 2-N64

by Jeff_nero_Hardy

21 years, 8 months ago

One of my favourite games is Star Ocean 2 for playstaion one

by slimer3161

21 years, 8 months ago

Duke Nukem64 for N64.very good game but has most of the same levels as Duke Nukem 3-D. 9/10

by roshangar

21 years, 8 months ago

In no particular order:
Goldeneye for N64
any Medal of Honor game
Starcraft (& Brood War)
Warcraft II & III (&Frozen Throne)
Diablo II
Aliens vs. Predator II
Star Wars: Dark Forces II
Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty
any Sonic the Hedgehog game up to Sonic & Knuckles

by Ecto_Dude

21 years, 8 months ago

Considering that I'm a dork about this game, The Resident Evil Series. The ENTIRE thing….well…Besides Gun Survivor 1, and Gaiden….

by slimer3161

21 years, 8 months ago

I know cause i got Gaiden for some reason bout a year ago i got to the end but have not finished it,i run out of ammo and then all i have is the crappy knife

by sexysadie

21 years, 8 months ago

PAC-MAN all the way!