FBI Confirms Flying Saucers & Aliens

by Brendan_M

13 years, 9 months ago

This just hit yesterday, I think:


The link contains confrimation that the FBI knows about UFO's and even talked about what was inside them.

For those of you who are too lazy to click the link to read it, here's what the FBI files states:

Official Memorandum: United States Government

To: Director, FBI

From: Guy Hottel, SA, Washington

Subject: Flying Saucers, Information Concerning

The following information was furnished to SA

An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine structure. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.

According to informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controling mechanism of the saucers.

No further evaluation was attempted by SA concerning the above.