Fears over the comic

by Kingpin

19 years, 11 months ago

It has recently come to my attention that people are taking both the word of their dealer, and the removal of the Ongoing Series entries from 88's site, as an indication that the comic is doomed.

While I'd say comic dealers know more then the average person about the industry, they themselves are not 100% reliable. If there's gonna be an announcement that the comic is cancelled, surely it'll be by 88MPH and Sebastien himself, until then, take whatever a comic dealer says simply as rumour.

The same goes for the Onging Series entries, just because they're not up at the site does not mean the series is cancelled, they were put up before it was decided that the series would be bi-monthly, and so might very well carry incorrect information and warrant re-writing, it is not a surefire sign that the comic is doomed.

That is all.

P.S. Try plug the comic as much as possible, but without annoying people.

by CaptainNate

19 years, 11 months ago

I plug the comic best I can, but it's almost impossible to hook someone on a product that might not even come out, and when it does, the schedule is so erratic that they don't bother..

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 11 months ago

Until I came here I had no fears that the comic wouldn't be on. Here's how I see it.

1) No one from 88MPH has said it's finished.
2) Though there is no link to the ongoing series on 88MPH's site, the covers are still in the cover gallery.
3) And they're still on Graham Cracker's Site.
4) The only thing that has been posted recently on 88MPH's site has been a test by Sebastien. That suggests that they're having problems with the site.
5) I do plug the comics as much as possible, I'm just limited by the fact I don't trust my friends enough to lend them my precious comics.
6) My comic store guy claims that the series is still on, and he has lots of the Legion Collection on order. Including mine. Which is good.

by Kingpin

19 years, 11 months ago

Well, the site saying ‘test’ doesn't definately mean there's a problem, simply that something is being done to the News Page, I'm sure that soon it'll be sorted out sometime soon, though.

As for comics, it does seem that the collected series might fair better then the singular issues as they're all there and nice and professionally collected.

by Ghost_buster20

19 years, 11 months ago

It also said at the end of Legion#4 that the on going series will be Bi Monthly didnt it?

by Buckaroobwana

19 years, 11 months ago

While I was alarmed at the removal of the info about the ongoing from 88MPHs' site, I am relieved that they're going ahead with a hardcover collection of the Legion story. This bodes well for the future of Ghostbusters comics.

by Kingpin

19 years, 11 months ago

That's good to hear, Buckaroo.

I can't say that I know what's going on, but it's jumping the gun to say that the removal of the entries is a sure sign the comic is doomed.

by Buckaroobwana

19 years, 11 months ago

Certainly, if sales on the miniseries were poor, then Sebastien wouldn't have bothered with the hardcover. So proceeding cautiously with the ongoing makes sense, especially in this troubled market.

I do think that going bi-monthly for the ongoing is a mistake, because it will be very difficult for new readers to latch onto the title since the wait between issues is so long as to make forgetting about it likely.

I'm doing my part to plug Ghostbusters, I recommend it to every one I talk to at my local comic shop, but it's easier to do that when the latest issue is neary on the stands.

Ghostbusters is a good comic book, and those are quite rare these days. It deserves a long life.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 11 months ago

I think it's better they have it bi-monthly and don't disappoint people if it's late.

by Kingpin

19 years, 11 months ago

If it means that the comic would be out on a regular schedule, I suppose it'd a worthwhile risk instead of trying to get it out monthly and still having teething issues.