It has recently come to my attention that people are taking both the word of their dealer, and the removal of the Ongoing Series entries from 88's site, as an indication that the comic is doomed.
While I'd say comic dealers know more then the average person about the industry, they themselves are not 100% reliable. If there's gonna be an announcement that the comic is cancelled, surely it'll be by 88MPH and Sebastien himself, until then, take whatever a comic dealer says simply as rumour.
The same goes for the Onging Series entries, just because they're not up at the site does not mean the series is cancelled, they were put up before it was decided that the series would be bi-monthly, and so might very well carry incorrect information and warrant re-writing, it is not a surefire sign that the comic is doomed.
That is all.
P.S. Try plug the comic as much as possible, but without annoying people.