Feb 20th - Making of Ghostbusters: The Videogame

by skankerzero

15 years ago

Those of you in the area may want to check this out:


I won't be there as I have other plans, but you will be able to interact with a lot of the team.

Just thought I'd pass along the info.

by RoyKarrde

15 years ago

Thanks for the heads up! I'll be going.

by Ectofiend

15 years ago

Man I wish I lived closer…

by jettajeffro

15 years ago

Hope you don't mind I'm going to post this over on GBfans as well.

by Buckynohair

15 years ago

If anyone that's going doesn't mind, and if they get chance, would you ask about any future plans for dlc etc.? Long shot I know but this is a perfect chance. Cheers

by RoyKarrde

15 years ago

Just got back from the event, there wasn't really any place to ask questions about DLC as most of the questions were more specific on the original project. No pictures or video were available except from the guys running it, but one of the things I did see was concept art for Sam Hain. There was ALOT of concept art shown, especially in the beginning, they talked about how they wanted to have the cultists to have elongated jaws, as well as displayed several different monsters that never made it into the game that would have been made into Lost Island. For example there was supposed to be a monster that looked alot like a Big Daddy in Bioshock with two round slime tanks on each shoulder feeding into his head. They also had a grunt worker, that was supposed to be taking care of the Slime Lab, and had large wrench like tools to hit you with. There was also like a Lab Technician/Summoner who would have been seen watching over the vats. The idea being that the lab being fully functional with ghosts still taking care of it in the afterlife.

Another piece they showed was what was supposed to be used instead of the the baby Slor monster. That being a “Mother” Terror Dog, think something like the Alien Queen crossed with a Terror Dog.

Also the Shark we saw in one of the first pieces of Concept Art along with Sargassi was supposed to be in the grave yard. The idea was that the shark would dive under ground with the tombstone on it acting as the Shark's fin, showing you where it was. And you were supposed to catch it to help Sargassi.

Other than that it was mostly tech talk, with a few tidbits about the game here and there.

Hope skanker doesn't mind me saying what I saw at the event.

by Kingpin

15 years ago

Could you describe what the Samhain concept art was like? I imagine they might've had something like a Tim Burton-inspired design for him.

by Ectofiend

15 years ago

I wanna see all this art…Just saying…

And the unused multiplayer maps (55 CPW/ Van Horne) in action, the parade level in full, as well as the unused multiplayer character models that Skanker was talking about…

One can dream yes no?:-)…

by RoyKarrde

15 years ago

Could you describe what the Samhain concept art was like? I imagine they might've had something like a Tim Burton-inspired design for him.

It's a bit hard to describe as it was only up for a few seconds, I would say it had more of the adult dark twisted look like the TristJones design, with the pumpkin being a bit more orange.

There was also a picture in the file named “Poultryghost” I don't know if this was based off the Were Chicken, or anything from the series, or was just a Chicken Ghost for the game. Either way with the detail on the Sam Hain painting, I can safely say they were atleast considering one RGB villain for the game.

by Ectofiend

15 years ago

Skanker, have you and the crew ever thought about releasing a book, or an all-encompassing “making-of” one-off DVD? With all the previous interviews, concept art, cut scenes, unused level animations, and such? Possibly even this recent panel?…

Considering how “GB crazy” SONY has been in the last few years, I don't see why they wouldn't want to make a few extra bucks of of this companion to the game…And I know us Ghostheads would eat it up no questions asked…

Just a thought…