by rockmx8

16 years, 8 months ago

As many of you already noticed me and my friend Patrick have been trying to tell you people for many days now… That a Ghostbusters 3 CGI Teaser Trailer is 100% going to be shown at the Comic Con this Month on the 26TH. I have a couple insider sources who are very reliable on this information for it. I shared my email and contact sources with my friend Patrick and told him to spread the word of GB3 in CGI.

However you people just keep denying it without have an open mind that yes this could be Real or definitely is REAL. Well here's the email I was sent by one of the Contacts in Sony:

Author: SONY
> Comment:
> I work for columbia pictures and I can guarantee you that the Ghostbusters 3 trailer will be shown at the San Diego Comicon this July. Thats all I can say; and that's all I will say. I hope you all enjoy the trailer
> ….FYI, even though it's CGi, it looks absolutely amazing!

And I just want to say ONE LAST THING if you still don't believe us, Stay Tuned to the 26TH of this Month and Prepare to be shocked. And we are waiting for an Apology from KingPin and the Others who pestered us when we trying to spread the message of AWESOMENESS of GHOSTBUSTERS 3.

So for now me and Patrick will not say a Word of it until that day comes. Your deal with us is to Apologize on that day, we will keep our word as long as you do yours…

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 8 months ago

How about we just ban you and everyone of your ilk?

I hate to break this to you skippy, but you aren't in a position of power around here. Patrick has annoyed the users of various websites by incessantly posting, sometimes back to back, no matter what anyone says. If you look in this very forum, you will see a request and an attempt by me to treat him with civility. I was not returned such civility.

I understand you two believe that a CGI teaser will be released at the Comicon, and thats fine. I'm not saying you are wrong. But we are all a little sick and tired of deleting these posts and moving them trying to prevent flame wars.

You see, you are coming onto a website that you do not own and aggrivating the users and violating the established rules that govern those websites. Thats why Patrick has been banned.

I see you are trying to strike a bargain. I percieved it as a veiled threat. What are you going to do if no one apologizes? Keep on posting about it? How about this deal, we leave you alone you leave us alone. If you are right, someone will most likely apologize; if you are wrong we get to perma ban both of your IP addresses. Sound fair?

by Kingpin

16 years, 8 months ago

I hope you don't hold your breath waiting for that apology from me, because it's going to be a long time coming.