Finally! A Publisher and Release Window!

by GuyCC

16 years, 4 months ago

by RoyKarrde

16 years, 4 months ago

Well unless Terminal Reality has moved on to another product, then this game is going to have amazing Multiplayer, since that's really the only thing I could see them working on for the next few months.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Roy Karrde;130686
Well unless Terminal Reality has moved on to another product, then this game is going to have amazing Multiplayer, since that's really the only thing I could see them working on for the next few months.

I doubt they did, there's a Terminal Reality employee on the forums, and well, if they did move on, I'm sure he'd say something about it.

Edit: >.>;;; Never mind, I thought you meant that they canceled the game, so yeah, I read your post wrong. Heh, but yeah, I couldn't see them working on Multiplayer for that long.

by RoyKarrde

16 years, 4 months ago

Well there is always Level Redesign, Game Polishing, Updating Models/Textures and all. Then again as far as we know they could all be off working on another project, or even the rumored downloadable content. I just can't believe it will be a full year since I got to play test it over at Terminal Reality when it comes out, still feels like yesterday.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 4 months ago

I think Atari deserves this one since the bad rep they have been getting recently.

It was a really smart move of them to pick up the Riddick games and Ghostbusters and it might bring us more GB games in the future

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 4 months ago

Just read this drinking my coffee, HOT DAMN! Good, earlier next year is fine. I could see them doing Halloween, but this is great. I hope they do a NICE DLC on Xbox live next Halloween, and maybe every Halloween after that!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 4 months ago

Good to see the news. Nice way to start the morning.

“Videogame sequels planned for both franchises” - as reported on Variety.
Very interesting. I know it's something that we as fans had talked about, but to read that it was actually spoken of during the deal (on the contingency that the first sells well, of course) seems like Atari believes in the possibility as well.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 4 months ago

i bet you tommarow on halloween, we got an offical anouncement.

Best bet, june 9th, 2009 is the launch date. Most video games come out on a tuesday, same as dvds, and the 9th of june is just one day after the 8th, which is the 25th anaversary of the movie, so if i were a betting man, thats the day we get the game AND the blu rays, and who knows, maby filming (if the script is aproved and the studio green lights the 3th film) will take place around there too!

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Good to see the news. Nice way to start the morning.

“Videogame sequels planned for both franchises” - as reported on Variety.
Very interesting. I know it's something that we as fans had talked about, but to read that it was actually spoken of during the deal (on the contingency that the first sells well, of course) seems like Atari believes in the possibility as well.

The games have to sell before they even think of planning sequels. I just hope the delay doesn't affect the sales.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 4 months ago

Jonathan Archer;130695
The games have to sell before they even think of planning sequels. I just hope the delay doesn't affect the sales.

Right - which is why they even commented about it being contingent. I was just noting that (as mentioned in the article) there was talk about a first right of refusal on Atari's part for publishing sequels to the game if the first sold well. That means that they at least had enough hope to talk about it.

I was in no way saying there would definately be a sequel.