Finally! A Publisher and Release Window!

by skankerzero

16 years, 4 months ago

bah, old news.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

i bet you tommarow on halloween, we got an offical anouncement.

Hopefully, Dan and Verity blew the cover, there'd be no reason for Atari to keep it a secret any longer and Halloween would be the perfect time for them to make an official press release or something of that sort.

Well there is always Level Redesign, Game Polishing, Updating Models/Textures and all. Then again as far as we know they could all be off working on another project, or even the rumored downloadable content. I just can't believe it will be a full year since I got to play test it over at Terminal Reality when it comes out, still feels like yesterday.

The game was near completion when it got dropped, and Terminal Reality was working on this, supposedly since 2006, I don't think the game can get anymore polished then what its gotten now, nor do I think that they'd want to go in and redesign their levels and such.

Right - which is why they even commented about it being contingent. I was just noting that (as mentioned in the article) there was talk about a first right of refusal on Atari's part for publishing sequels to the game if the first sold well. That means that they at least had enough hope to talk about it.

I was in no way saying there would definately be a sequel.

Well, we can only hope that the game does well, cause I would love to see more Ghostbusters games (good ones, not like those crappy ones way back when) get made.

bah, old news.

Given the fact that you're working on the game, its old to you, we however were kept in the dark about this situation, so its new to us.

by skankerzero

16 years, 4 months ago

Jonathan Archer;130702
Given the fact that you're working on the game, its old to you, we however were kept in the dark about this situation, so its new to us.

*hands you a sarcasm pill*

man, you're just a bucket of fun, aren't you?

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

*hands you a sarcasm pill*

man, you're just a bucket of fun, aren't you?

As I told Dr. Venkman, sarcasm doesn't work on the internet, and as for being fun, its kinda hard to be fun when you're getting bugged about what you post on a forum by several people.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 4 months ago

bah, old news.

Haha. Nice, “inside man.”

Can't wait to see what else you know about that we don't yet.

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

Jonathan Archer;130704
As I told Dr. Venkman, sarcasm doesn't work on the internet, and as for being fun, its kinda hard to be fun when you're getting bugged about what you post on a forum by several people.

It does, under select circumstances.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

Jonathan Archer;130704
As I told Dr. Venkman, sarcasm doesn't work on the internet, and as for being fun, its kinda hard to be fun when you're getting bugged about what you post on a forum by several people.

*pinches cheek* Oh you are just adorable!

(Wait, did that sarcasm come through… I think it did… yup)

You getting bugged about what you post about is your own fault. Try posting something positive and you'll see it'll do wonders for how much people bug you… does wonders for your skin too (SARCASM ATTACK!!!1!1!)

Seriously, if you're getting bugged by several people, obviously the problem lies with you… not us. Man, we're so horrible for wanting you to post something positive and not just another negative post about how we haven't heard anything official yet. Every time a new rumor comes out, you're happy for like an hour, and then you post about how “its still not official *grumble* *grumble* *grumble*”

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Oh har har har, you're sooooo funny, you know that? What, I can't be upset that the updates aren't considered official, even if one of them did come from Dan Aykroyd himself, and what, I can't be upset about hearing something official on the game's original release date, what? am I supposed to be super happy fun times all the time?

by robbritton

16 years, 4 months ago

Jonathan Archer;130727
Oh har har har, you're sooooo funny, you know that?

Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet.

but anyway, since Skankerzero is commenting as he is, it can pretty much be considered totally official now. so yeah - now would be a good time for super happy fun times.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

Jonathan Archer;130727
Oh har har har, you're sooooo funny, you know that? What, I can't be upset that the updates aren't considered official, even if one of them did come from Dan Aykroyd himself, and what, I can't be upset about hearing something official on the game's original release date, what? am I supposed to be super happy fun times all the time?

As robbritton so wonderfully pointed out, if you believe sarcasm “doesn't work on the internet” why are you using it to open your post? Interesting…

And I'm not sure what you don't understand. We've all told you several times, yes, it is ok to be upset and want official word. No, you should not be happy about the delay. And no, you do not have to be happy all the time. In that same token, you don't have to be negative all the time, which you are.

So you pretty much just proved every point I needed to make for me, both by using sarcasm on the internet, and by proving that you don't have to act one way all the time.

I thank you, sir.