Finger Pop Fiends

by Wurmel

17 years, 6 months ago


I'm looking for the “Finger Pop Fiends” (3 ghosts), does anyone know where i can find them? I never see them on Ebay… so i was wondering if these ghost really excists.

I also need these items:
slimer with protonpack (blue or red)
all the Slimed Heroes
all the Ecto-Glow Heroes
Nasty Neck
Terror Tongue

doesn't mather if the aren't boxed, as long as they are complete and in good condition.
does anyone have these items for sale?

by winston18

17 years, 6 months ago

Hello, I found this site and its has some of the items you are looking for. Only problme might be shipping since its in the UK. I'm not sure where you are but I hope this helps.