Fire at Universal Studios destroys sets

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 9 months ago

Universal City, Calif. — A fire at Universal Studios has destroyed a set from Back to the Future, the King Kong exhibit and a video vault containing more than 40,000 videos and reels.

Los Angeles County fire Captain Frank Reynoso says the blaze broke out just before dawn Sunday on a backlot stage at the 400-acre property. The fire has been contained.

Officials say the iconic courthouse square from Back to the Future, has been destroyed, and the famous clocktower that enabled star Michael J. Fox's character to time travel has been damaged.

NBC Universal President and Chief Operating Officer Ron Meyer says 40,000 to 50,000 videos and reels were damaged in the video vault, but there are duplicates in a different location.

The King Kong exhibit is a stop on the studio's tram tour where the giant ape bellows at passengers and artificial banana scent fills the area, studio spokesman Eliot Sekuler said.

Los Angeles County Fire Inspector Daryl Jacobs said at least one building had burned and as many as three blocks of movie facades were destroyed.

Two mock New York and New England streets used for movie making and tourist displays were “a total loss,” he said.

Though the fire was contained, it was still raging, Jacobs said.

The blaze broke out just before dawn on a sound stage at the 400-acre property, fire Capt. Frank Reynoso said. There was at least one explosion.

A thick column of smoke rose thousands of feet into the air and for a time helicopters swept in to drop water.

More than 100 firefighters were trying to prevent the flames from spreading to nearby brush, Reynoso said. One firefighter was hospitalized for unspecified injuries.

Sekuler said the theme park would open Sunday, though the studio tour would not go to the King Kong part of the attraction. He said a commercial shoot was going on when the fire broke out. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Universal Studios is located nine miles north of downtown Los Angeles that has thrill rides and a back lot where movies and television shows are filmed.

Some of the more familiar attractions on the back lot are the clock tower from the Back To The Future movies and the house featured in Psycho.

Scenes from several blockbuster films and television shows have been filmed at the studios, including War of the Worlds, When Harry met Sally and Scrubs.

Bad for Back to the future, first the ride closes, and now the set from the movie is gone. (*egon)

This is terrible.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

It saddened me when I first heard (and blogged) about it. But at the time (been at work since then, still am) they didn't have a complete grasp of the damage.

by Chad

16 years, 9 months ago

I heard reports that the film vault may be at risk. I really hope they have backups (offsite) and no major loss was incurred.

by Kingpin

16 years, 9 months ago

About 40,000 to 50,000 films and reels have either been destroyed or damaged. Although they do have copies off-site.

The Courthouse Square set is an unfortunate loss, the set had already been hit pretty badly from the fire back in 1990, and now it's likely most of the original elements have been lost thanks to that fire and this one.

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 9 months ago

I've been on that tour 10 times.

It's a shame.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

I never got a chance to go….was going to go this Universal Studios this September….I know have 1 less reason to go..

by eatingfood1

16 years, 9 months ago

Hopfuly, the Fire fighter will be OK, and the least amount of ppl wont loose a job. Sux about the film, and BTTF suf.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 9 months ago

I think they said the prop warehouse might of been damaged. I think I read it on AOL News. I can't remember correctly though.

Luckily the films damaged were only copies, and not the original negatives.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 9 months ago

Oh, no need to be sad; let's use the time machine and we'll be back… to the futur! :p

No, realy, it's incredible everything didn't burn there. And I've heard that their water system installation was not the ideal for situation like this! The KingKong set is completly lost. At least, they took control of everything.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 9 months ago

(*peter) bummer