First line of Dialogue from GBIII and GBIII updates.

by slimer3881

15 years, 9 months ago

i'm hoping Ivan directs.

the new director-new writer combo, has not worked for today's sequels AT ALL.

by fleminatube

15 years, 9 months ago

I hope Ivan directs too. The first line is a bit long winded, and it does not really sound like Egon to me. No mention of Spores Molds or Fungus (*egon) :-O

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Not sure I like that line of dialogue, but it was just a reference to the line, not necessary the exact line itself.

Ivan coming back would definitely be great, so here's hoping.

by robbritton

15 years, 9 months ago

could anyone copy/paste? that site is trashing my browser.

Is it the same as the line Empire revealed?

by fleminatube

15 years, 9 months ago

I’m intrigued by my idea for where Egon has been. He’s been working in the International Institute For Imaginary Science, in Geneva. He’s evolved a post-rational, non-conclusive logic for dealing with problems of chaos. Someone asks him ‘What does that mean?’ and he says ‘There are no spatial, conceptual or intellectual models to describe it - so we don’t know.’ Egon’s gone so abstract, even he doesn’t know what he’s doing!
there you go dude…

by BackInBlack

15 years, 9 months ago

“Imaginary Science?” Who's his lab partner Doc Brown?

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 9 months ago

Back In Black;146462
“Imaginary Science?” Who's his lab partner Doc Brown?

yeah I"m beginning to think Egon's intelligence has turned him into a Mad Scientist! GREAT SCOTT! Quick get to the Delorean!

by fleminatube

15 years, 9 months ago

yeah I"m beginning to think Egon's intelligence has turned him into a Mad Scientist! GREAT SCOTT! Quick get to the Delorean!

1.21 Gigawatts !!!!!! would ecto 1 get up to 88 though? I just cant see Egon being the stereotypical mad scientist though for some reason….

by Talkc

15 years, 9 months ago

1.21 Gigawatts !!!!!! would ecto 1 get up to 88 though? I just cant see Egon being the stereotypical mad scientist though for some reason….

“Let's see what happens when we take away the puppy.”

I can definetly see him as a mad scientist.. i always sorta did.

“Youre so kind taking care of that poor man.”
“I dont think he is human”

He is a subtle mad genius.