Flight Suit color variations

by SlimeTime

23 years ago

Does anyone here use a flight suit that is not khaki? Our Franchise uses whatever we can find cheap (tight budget). I use a green suit, and whoever is next to join gets navy blue. Does anyone else do this?

by ecto-3

23 years ago

I use black because it blends well and looks really cool with the equipment. All I need now is a Fire logo that was designed by Castewar and it would be the perfect GB III costume wink

by SlimeTime

23 years ago

yeah sound cool. if you ever get a chance to put a pic up, i would like to see it. for my patch i just used the hot topic patch, mainly because i didn't want to order one. i have also seen camoflauge (SP?) junp suits. i think they'd be kind of cool GB suits.