Flightsuit Progress: 2

by Glycerine

23 years, 1 month ago

Well, I've got everything I need now to make the flightsuit. Except for the radio that is. All I have to do now is put the patches and hose on, dye the knee pads, put the pouches on the belt, and it should be done. I finished the circuit board pouch and all I have to do is make the one that the hose goes into on the belt.

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Sounds good…I suspect you'll have some pics for us??? You do know a good place to get the radio, right? wink

by Glycerine

23 years, 1 month ago

I haven't gotten around to getting the radio yet, and as of right now I'm still trying to put everything together. I have to find some way to get the plastic hoseplugs attached to the flightsuit. And if I had a scanner I'd get pictures up, but until I can get one there probably won't be any pictures..

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

If you wanted to you could cut a hole in the pant leg of your flightsuit and feed the hose plug through the hole. Epoxy, I've heard, is long lasting and wash resistant(kind of unusual to use it on clothes eh). There are several methods of doing this, you may just have to come up with your own. wink

by Glycerine

23 years ago

I'm thinking of just drilling small holes in the plug for the leg and sewing it on that way.. I'll probably superglue the other end of the plug to that rear pouch on the belt.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Hose barbs are a good idea for the attachable end on the pouch, just paint them black. It can be quite troublesome to get the hose on and off though. Does it matter? wink

by Glycerine

23 years ago

Not really.. As long as it looks ok. I'm still trying to see how my idea pans out though. If it doesn't work that's going to be the next thing I do..

by Ghostbuster505

23 years ago

On Ebay I see a lot of radios with ghostbusters logos on them. They look really good.