Flightsuit question

by Glycerine

23 years, 2 months ago

Has anyone else here got a flightsuit from Dr. Stantz? I ordered one in August and I'm still waiting for it to get here. I emailed him several times, most of the time something came up that they couldn't be sent. I was even emailed by someone who said that they've been waiting for about a year for one they ordered. I recently emailed him and he said that right after Thanksgiving he was sending them out. I emailed him around the first week of December to see if they were sent out ok, but I didn't get a reply. I still haven't gotten the flightsuit yet and, I was just wondering if this was a regular thing with how long it's taking or some weird chain of events that keeps coming up that's stopping the flightsuit from getting here? Any responses are welcome. Thanks.


23 years, 2 months ago

I have e-mailed him a few time aboout a Belt set and name tag, but i have not gotten anything back.

by ParanormalGB2K1

23 years, 2 months ago

I've talked to several people who haven't ever recived their stuff. I ordered a set of patches and elbow pads from him when he first went into buisness. I've heard nothing but complaints since. If you need patches, I'd go to ASAP and get in on the 3rd patch run. For flight suits, surplus stores and gun shows.


by Glycerine

23 years, 2 months ago

Ok, so I see that I'm not the only person that's still waiting on an order. Now I'm really mad about that. If I can get enough cash, I might consider getting one off of that ECTOI guy on here who said he's selling them, but I don't know. I missed out on the one halloween that I knew that I'd get the chance to go as a GB because I was waiting on the flightsuit. That part made me mad enough. Maybe next year or something. Thanks for the input on this situation.


23 years, 2 months ago

In case anyone is interested, My turnaround on a GB costume is 3-4 weeks. sometimes less smile
That is with a custom name tag, full size patch and dyed/painted elbow pads

by Ghostbuster505

23 years, 2 months ago

Hey Guys, I dont wanna offend anyone or anything, but if you are just ordering a flight suit, and not a pre-mad costume, then I'd just recommend buying one from a buisness like or something. I ordered mine from then 3 days before halloween and it was on my doorstep when I got home from at about 3yikes0pm halloween night. It was very fast, and I knew it was a buisness. It doesnt take that much to put a patch and nametag on one, just about 10-15 min was all it took me. That is what I'd recommend. Good luck.

by Glycerine

23 years, 1 month ago

I ordered a pre-made costume from him, not just a flightsuit.