
by Cosmic-Riptide

18 years, 6 months ago

The flight suit you can get from They will run you $120.00 U.S. or more, but expect to pay that for a new suit. You can get a surplus suit for as low at 20 bucks from several sources, but unless your a tiny person all the way around, you probably wont find one in your size. The largest suit I've seen that was surplus was a 44R. I'm 6'6" and need a 48L. To be a pilot you need to be small, so there aren't alot of large used suits.

I got mine brand new from a surplus store for somewhere around $30-$40 I think (cotton polyester blend… not the fire/chemical retardant material).

I needed an XL and they didn't have any in stock, so I asked if I could special order one. They whipped out a stack of catalogs, placed an order, and called me at home a few weeks later when my flight suit had arrived. (*winston)

by firefighter993

18 years, 6 months ago

I got mine brand new from a surplus store for somewhere around $30-$40 I think (cotton polyester blend… not the fire/chemical retardant material).

That's why it was so cheap, it's not nomex. There are companies that manufacture “flightsuits” that are non-nomex for uniform purposes. When purchasing a knock off flight suit you have to look out for some alterations. That is, if you care about them. Alot of them will not have the storm flap on the inside. They also tend to have painted zippers instead of the brass zippers. Nomex also dyes differently than cotton/poly. Ask to see the suits offered. If they can supply one that meets your standards for 4o bucks, then jump on it.

by sinister1

18 years, 6 months ago

No man, it's gotta be a flightsuit! A FLIGHTsuit! Like in the movies….

Actually, they're not flight suits.

They're jump suits with zips.

With a flight suit, the chest zip stops a lot lower down, it would be impossible to zip it right up to your neck if you tried, because the design of a flight suit means that when it gets to a certain point (2 inces above the central point between nipples, aprox) the material is designed to “V” off anyway.

Flight suits also have transparant pockets on the thighs with a heavy plastic insert so that maps can be placed in them., there is also a thick plastic pencil attatched to each flightsuit for drawing on the plastic (its a special type that wipes off). Furthermore, flightsuits have a special safety knife pocket on one of the legs.

You can just about see it there:

by Cosmic-Riptide

18 years, 6 months ago

That's why it was so cheap, it's not nomex. There are companies that manufacture “flightsuits” that are non-nomex for uniform purposes.

No, I know. Ghoulishfright's mentioned though, that he's not necessarily going for 100% movie accurate (“olive green”), that money's tight, and that he's not very experienced in prop building. If he can't land an authentic used suit for a decent price than a knock-off is probably the best way to go.

The zippers on my suit are painted to match the fabric, and I think that the chest pockets may be positioned a little lower than the GB's suit pockets, but all-in-all it looks fantastic! And for the price… I won't feel too too bad if I screw anything up while working on it (if I screwed up a nomex suit, even a bargain-bin used one, I'd go ballistic).

by firefighter993

18 years, 6 months ago

I hear that. I feel like I'm doing brain surgery on myself any time I'm working on any of my prop stuff. One slip and I'm dead. I actually have one of the suits you do as well, and I use it just as much as the nomex suit.

by firefighter993

18 years, 6 months ago

No man, it's gotta be a flightsuit! A FLIGHTsuit! Like in the movies….

Actually, they're not flight suits.

They're jump suits with zips.

With a flight suit, the chest zip stops a lot lower down, it would be impossible to zip it right up to your neck if you tried, because the design of a flight suit means that when it gets to a certain point (2 inces above the central point between nipples, aprox) the material is designed to “V” off anyway.

Flight suits also have transparant pockets on the thighs with a heavy plastic insert so that maps can be placed in them., there is also a thick plastic pencil attatched to each flightsuit for drawing on the plastic (its a special type that wipes off). Furthermore, flightsuits have a special safety knife pocket on one of the legs.

You can just about see it there:

That would be the flight suit utilised by the RAF, not necessarily by the US Armed Forces. Our flight suits have changed very little since WWII, with the exception of several more pockets.

by sinister1

18 years, 6 months ago

Really? Do you have any pictures? I'd be really interested to see the difference. (Sad maybe, but i take a huge interest in these things)

The US pilots that have been at an RAF base for various reasons have been wearing the RAF style ones. I assumed that they were pretty much world standard.

by firefighter993

18 years, 6 months ago

Sure, no problem.

Standard USAF flight suit.

RAF flight suit

There are different styles of flight suits. Obviously, most countries have their own pattern, and even then they may use different types for different applications. I've seen the type with the window pocket used by an american pilot once. I've also seen a pilot that had a patch of velcro on his leg to stick a standard slip board to. However, this is the standard style. Really hasn't changed much in 20+ years. Now, I can't say anything bout G-Suits. THOSE may have the window pockets and such. However, your average Air Force and Navy pilot will use the type shown. It's quick to get in and out of, breaths well, stays close to the body, easy to manuever in, and fits under a G-suit. That pretty much meets all of the requirements for a flight suit.

It's not uncommen for Allied military forces to use each others gear when stationed together. In WWII the american pilots that served with the RAF used both RAF uniforms and RAF planes. The United States Military has always taken a few liberties when it comes to uniforms.

by spengs1

18 years, 6 months ago

The Only Other Suit You'll Ever Need…Again

I know that page can be be updated, its a fairly good article about putting together a unif…er costume.

by GBexpert.

18 years, 6 months ago

If you havent bought your flightsuit yet take a look at this..

If your gonna make a proton pack you better start now! I did not have any
building skills when I built mine I din't even have time to finish the pack it
was missing the gun and n-filter but I started In Sept of 05. It wasn't untill now
about yesterday I started coming together to build the gun and n-filter.
If you want one a last min. take a look at this
This guy made a pack in 24 hours! This will help guide you and take a look at the Archive page for Reference Photos and Plans.