Flip Side -- UPDATED with Egon!

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

Indeed, that is a very good drawing as we've come to expect from you. You really need to make a group picture with all them together; maybe have all them imposes that may mimic commercial art from the RGB animated series.

I would love to see the final result; or anything else from the Flip-side universe still have that yet you had not shown

by Zombie

16 years, 6 months ago

Awesome! I love your take on him. The pose, the expression, the skeletal features etc are all done so well.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

That is just an absolutely amazing job, man. Keep up the great work. I cant wait to see him colored.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 6 months ago

Excellent work Baltivac! I think this one is my favorite! It's like you took the original Flipside Egon, and just twisted him ten-fold. I love how you made a little character out of his rat-tail; very fiendish. I also love how the pack resembles moreso the proton-packs, as opposed to the “slime-blowers.” The detail work is again very eye-catching, and you nailed the pose & expression. …My only critique is that the lower-torso looks a bit too cartoony. Like something from Looney Tunes. The legs are too curvy & the shoes a bit too clown-ish, although I do like the exagerration. I just would like to see more skeletal structure in the legs, & more detail in that region. Overall though, this is definitely my favorite of the four. It's like a masterful blend of the original artwork & your own imagination.


by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 6 months ago

These are all really great. Any chance of putting them all into one image? That would look seriously sweet. Maybe on the street of their world, in a comparable stance to an RGB promo shot.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 6 months ago

I love how you made a little character out of his rat-tail; very fiendish.

Not to nitpick, but that actually is a part of the character design in RGB. He has that rat tail in the cartoon.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 6 months ago

Doctor Venkman
Not to nitpick, but that actually is a part of the character design in RGB. He has that rat tail in the cartoon.

Aye, I remember him having a sort of tentacle-esque rat-tail in the episode that squirmed about, but I don't recall the drooling fangs. Either way, it looks very cool.


by JohnnySparks

16 years, 6 months ago

More Incredible work. I cannot wait to see more. I would actually like to see your take on some of the more famous ghosts from the show, like Samhain or the BoogieMan.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

I would actually like to see your take on some of the more famous ghosts from the show, like Samhain or the BoogieMan.

Agreed, I would love to see you draw Samhuinne

by Bativac

16 years, 6 months ago

Thanks for the compliments guys!

I actually thought about combining all four drawings into one image, with maybe the Firehouse in the back. When I get a few hours to spare – and a few dollars to blow on a Wacom – I'll put something together.

Someone mentioned the rattail thing – I didn't invent that, I stole it from the cartoon. I might have added the fangs. I do wish I had thrown a couple flies buzzing around his head…

Someone else mentioned the cartooniness of his legs. Yeah, his lower half is super cartoony, which is probably why I enjoyed drawing this one the most. It felt the most like something I would normally draw, like I wasn't “trying” to draw something, if that makes sense. Egon flowed really easily. I think all four of these Peoplebusters ended up being drawn in slightly different styles, and this one was definitely my own natural style. Maybe I'll tackle Janine next (though I had an idea for Slimer that I may doodle one night).

Someone else asked if I had done any of the other ghosts. I drew and posted a colored Samhain a couple months ago. A quick search of the forum ought to turn him up. I also have a drawing of Bug Eye around here somewhere and I might even have a sketch of the Boogieman… I'll scan some other stuff later and do a “Ghosts of Ghostbusters” thread.

If only I was as good at building props as I am at drawing cartoon ghosts.