flying car for ghost busters 3007 contest

by ghostbusters3007

17 years, 9 months ago

im not a very good drawer but i made a flying car for ghost busters 3007 but its crappy and i dont know how to post pics so i used it for my avitar
i need some one to make a beter one the winner art work will be used for the ghostbusters 3007 image
key things that HAVE repet HAVE to be on the car/spaceship
1; proton guns on the sides
2; proton turent on the top
3; engens on the back
ok and put your own ghostbusters 3007 logo on the side but a logo contest will be up soon for those intrested
ghostbusters 3007 line- i hope im geting over time for this

by the_blessed_freak51

17 years, 9 months ago

Before we start beating each other senseless over whatever prize this contest is for I'd like to ask a question.

what is Ghostbusters 3007? (*winston)

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

A flying Ecto? :p

What do we win?

by ghostbusters3007

17 years, 9 months ago

ghostbusters 3007 is ghost busters 1000 year in the future the ghost are back and its up to a new team of ghstbusters to take them down the team is made of 4 ghostbusters

dr rick fuldge his great great great grandad was owner of fuldges ice crem hes absed with money
dr mat veikmen his great great great grandad was peter veikmen his very like peter
dr suzane robertss she want every thing to go right when something goes wrong she yells at everyone witch is most of the time
dr kim vekimen her brother is mat veikmen shes alwas fighting with him
but she some times protcets her little brother prize is your art work can be a promo for the fan fic and you get to in charge of desin for the ghostbusters 3007

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 9 months ago

1000 years from now… a NEW team you say? Why a new team, why couldn't the old team have been frozen in carbonite or something?

Also, who are the ghosts going to terrorize 1000 years from now? With the world ecosystem drastically changed (due to natural or unnatural causes, or maybe both as is most likely), New York is now simply an isolated refuge for outlaws like Kurt Russel. God was discovered to exist and was proven to exist in the late 2600s, but was accidentally killed when he was run over by a cyberbus. The Q Continuum has come and gone by 3007, and most of the planets in the system not overrun by mutants beings from other worlds are simply catholicized versions of Trekkies, awaiting for their savior, the Lord Kirk, who was prophesized to return 700 or so years prior.

Mat Veikman is Peter Venkman's great great great grandson you say? That would make him about 760 years old by the year 3007, yes? Man I bet his angry old-man antics really crack up the audience.

Also, if the new ecto car can fly and only has proton guns on the sides and top… what happens if ghosts go below the car? Sounds like the GBs are rather screwed in the 3rd dimension!

Seriously, do you ever think before you type?

by Yehome

17 years, 9 months ago

I think you're asking too much.

by benwahballboy

17 years, 9 months ago

I registered just to say that you ripped off the ENTIRE concept for GB2120 only you put it unrealisticly in the future. This entire concept has been around since Bill Emkow's board and the GBCentral days and is still slightly alive in the mind of Jay Young, the creator of the idea.

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

1000 years from now… a NEW team you say? Why a new team, why couldn't the old team have been frozen in carbonite or something?

Also, who are the ghosts going to terrorize 1000 years from now? With the world ecosystem drastically changed (due to natural or unnatural causes, or maybe both as is most likely), New York is now simply an isolated refuge for outlaws like Kurt Russel. God was discovered to exist and was proven to exist in the late 2600s, but was accidentally killed when he was run over by a cyberbus. The Q Continuum has come and gone by 3007, and most of the planets in the system not overrun by mutants beings from other worlds are simply catholicized versions of Trekkies, awaiting for their savior, the Lord Kirk, who was prophesized to return 700 or so years prior.

Mat Veikman is Peter Venkman's great great great grandson you say? That would make him about 760 years old by the year 3007, yes? Man I bet his angry old-man antics really crack up the audience.

Also, if the new ecto car can fly and only has proton guns on the sides and top… what happens if ghosts go below the car? Sounds like the GBs are rather screwed in the 3rd dimension!

Seriously, do you ever think before you type?

Boomer, I think this prooves you shouldn't have concentrated shots of caffiene.

3007, you may be able to get a rendition created if you were able to do some pencil sketchs of both your idea for a logo and vehicle… but be warned, like benwahballboy mentioned a lot of it will likely get compared to Ghostbusters 2120… I even talked to Jay himself to make sure my own ‘Ghostbusters: Legacy’ didn't conflict with his own project.

by misfit1

17 years, 9 months ago

A ghostbusters story set in the future? Sounds pretty dumb to me

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

A ghostbusters story set in the future? Sounds pretty dumb to me

Dan Aykroyd originally thought it was cool :p

New York is now simply an isolated refuge for outlaws like Kurt Russel.

A reference to Escape from New York?

God was discovered to exist and was proven to exist in the late 2600s, but was accidentally killed when he was run over by a cyberbus. The Q Continuum has come and gone by 3007, and most of the planets in the system not overrun by mutants beings from other worlds are simply catholicized versions of Trekkies, awaiting for their savior, the Lord Kirk, who was prophesized to return 700 or so years prior.

Mat Veikman is Peter Venkman's great great great grandson you say? That would make him about 760 years old by the year 3007, yes? Man I bet his angry old-man antics really crack up the audience.

Also, if the new ecto car can fly and only has proton guns on the sides and top… what happens if ghosts go below the car? Sounds like the GBs are rather screwed in the 3rd dimension!

Seriously, do you ever think before you type?


You're a naturally funny man.