Foam Pack Auction?

by oldschoolbuster

20 years, 3 months ago

Does anyone know when hollywood vault is starting the foam pack auction for the ghostbusters 2 packs!
(slayerghost and class10 specter of the golden days)

by fomeboy

20 years, 1 month ago

The foam proton pack was sold a few weeks ago.
I use to have the link on my eBay account but I deleted it

by fomeboy

20 years ago

I have found the picture I had of the Foam Proton Pack that was sold on eBay. Enjoy!

by gbmasterman

20 years ago

That's not the foam pack. That is the GB2l screen used hero pack they sold.

by fomeboy

20 years ago

I know it was a GB2 screen used Proton Pack but it was a foam pack. It was written on the description something like “Ghostbusters 2 screen used foam Proton Pack used by one of the main characters in the movie”. They had a bunch of close-ups pictures on the auction but I deleted them and only kept the one where we see the full Proton Pack… shoudn't had deleted them

by gbmasterman

20 years ago

No they had 2 packs they sold, 1 was a Gb2 Hero Pack, and then one foam stunt pack. The description for the Hero pack was different then the description for the foam pack.

by fomeboy

20 years ago

I'm very confused gbmasterman… actually I didn't knew they had 2 packs for auction, so thanks for pointing that out. Thing is the only auction I saw at the time was the stunt foam pack with the description that sounded like the lines I wrote on my last post, and that's where I saved the picture I posted, unless that was the other pack you mentioned? So, you see, I'm like :-O ?!

by gbmasterman

20 years ago

Wanna see what the insides of the GB2 hero pack looked like? Our very own Ken (Volguus) Huegel, was the winner of this wonderful piece of our Ghostbusters memorys. Here is a thread that you would probably enjoy reading fomeboy.
Ken Huegel is the one standing behind the pack holding it up, and Sean (Venkman71) is the one holding the particle thrower.

I know the person who won the foam pack was going to post some pics of it, but he never has.

by fomeboy

20 years ago

Hey thanks for the link gbmasterman.
I saw that post a few days ago but I can't remember how I got to it (maybe thru this board?) and since my “days to keep pages in history” option is set to 0, I lost the link, so thanks for sending it!
Also, when I saw the post that you sent me for the first time a few days ago, I didn't knew that the Proton Pack in those pictures was actually the pack from the pictures I saved on the eBay auction because I didn't knew there were 2 packs for auction. The auction where I saved my pictures from were from a “vault” something username.
Thanks for the link dude!