For all eyes: Concerning JesusFreak.

by Kingpin

15 years, 1 month ago

As some of you may have noticed, 11 days ago JesusFreak, a Moderator of this forum appeared to have lost it and went on a spree of vandalism, editing posts, deleting topics, and causing general chaos by removing existing content submitted by the users and replacing it with nonsense.

As things stand, I believe the majority of his damage has been corrected following a lengthy period of checking all of the active topics at the time one by one. However, it's possible that some may not have been fixed… and we will not know the true extent of the havok wrought.

It is also extremely worrying that the account of a Moderator would be compromised in such a serious way, I want to convey to you that we have taken this matter extremely seriously, and that I am hopeful we won't have a repeat performance.

I also want to convey the fact that I do not believe for one second that it was Ron who was responsible for this incident. Having worked with him for so many years I know that he was not responsible, and that he is incapable of perpetrating such a incident. He is a man of strong morals and of great maturity, and such an act would be beneath him.

The incident is under investigation by Chad, however I do not know how long it'll take to conclude and what information may be made public at the resolution.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 1 month ago

Sorry to hear that Kingpin.

I hope you do sort it out quickly and quietly.

I for one hate it when mods abuse their power, not saying JesusFreak did on free will, but I know some forums where the moderators are very corrupted and take sides with favoritism.

I know because on one of those forums I was banned for no reason at all, because I told off one kid who was picking on a friend of mine, but because he was buddy-buddy with a mod he got me banned and thought he was the hero while he spammed with with grotesque pictures and vandalism himself.

I am glad that the mos are not like that and don;t play favortism. You are good person kingpin, but I am glad you keep your duty and your personal feelings separate.

Good luck.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 1 month ago

Ya, the night it happend I happened to catch Chad on had a conversation about it. I will admit however, at the time I was under the assumption that Ron had lost his mind and was responsible for it.

I am relieved to hear the possibility that he wasn't responsible as it just didn't seem like him.

Hopefully the full course of events will come to light soon