For ALL Ghostheads in the NYC AREA!!

by venkman691

18 years, 5 months ago

I found this on myspace thought you should all check it out:

“By Noon on December 5, 2006, I plan to have organized one of the world's largest peace marches. I would like for everybody to be at Strawberry Fields in Central Park by 12pm so that we can all converge, then hit the streets singing John Lennon's classic song, ”Happy X-Mas(War is Over)“ as a protest to what's going on in the world today. I hope you can join us.”

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

Oh please, ‘as a protest to what’s going on in the world today.'

At least give people a reason to protest, don't go clogging the streets of Manhattan and causing stress for people on the roads if you don't even have a clear message to give.

I do wish some people would realised that Lennon was no saint. I'll agree he did some peace stuff… but after what he did to his son I can't respect him.

I think someone's a dedicated a little too much to Lennon's memory.

by thejoker1

18 years, 5 months ago

You're right, Kingpin. Lennon was a great musician, no doubt about that, but I can't stand the whole legend that's sprung up around him.

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 5 months ago

I agree Lennon was a great song writer and singer. Big fan of the beatles. Growing up I learned that he quoted on tv that he was better than god. I was never really big on Lennon growing up. I was more into George Harrison. He was a great musician. And he was my favorite of the beatles.

I heard that dec 8 in the uk is a holiday is that true? To honnor John Lennon.

I think someone's a dedicated a little too much to Lennon's memory.

lol Kingpin I agree with you on that.


by sinister1

18 years, 5 months ago

I found this on myspace thought you should all check it out:

“By Noon on December 5, 2006, I plan to have organized one of the world's largest peace marches. I would like for everybody to be at Strawberry Fields in Central Park by 12pm so that we can all converge, then hit the streets singing John Lennon's classic song, ”Happy X-Mas(War is Over)“ as a protest to what's going on in the world today. I hope you can join us.”

So what IS going on in the world today?

North Korea tests nukes… think a protest is gonna change that? The entire damn world is protesting about that.

Iran WANTS nuclear technology… either you protest this (which btw, so does the world), or you protest the world protesting… which is it?

Our troops are currently in Afghanistan and Iraq? You going to protest that? What exactly are you protesting? I disagree with the Iraq war, but pull out now and we're screwing people over. Afghanistan? Is that what you want us to pull out of?

Or maybe the situation with Lebanon? Oh wait…. Israel are pulling troops out as we speak…

Here's a good one though, the United States has passed a bill LEGALISING TORTURE. Protest that? By all means. Go ahead. You can also protest the way that America wont sign up to international laws because it would risk their soldiers being prosecuted.

Protest away, but be specific please.

by IgnatzKaspir

18 years, 5 months ago

I do wish some people would realised that Lennon was no saint. I'll agree he did some peace stuff… but after what he did to his son I can't respect him.

I think someone's a dedicated a little too much to Lennon's memory.

I'm not a huge Lennon fan or anything like that, but I always have respected him for the song Imagine. And I've looked a little bit up on Wikipedia about the controversy you're talking about. In defense of Lennon, the Wikipedia article states this: “In the same interview, Lennon said he was trying to re-establish a connection with the then 17-year-old Julian, and confidently predicted that ”Julian and I will have a relationship in the future.“” So yeah, it was bad how he distanced himself from his son. But the man died at only 40 years of age. He hardly had the chance to improve the relationship with his son. That quote by Lennon above was made shortly before his tragic death.

I agree Lennon was a great song writer and singer. Big fan of the beatles. Growing up I learned that he quoted on tv that he was better than god. I was never really big on Lennon growing up. I was more into George Harrison. He was a great musician. And he was my favorite of the beatles.

And just to clarify a little on this, Lennon never actually said he was better than God. This too is explained pretty well on Wikipedia. To get all the details you might want to check it out for yourself(, but I'll give a quote here from the article that best sums it up:
Lennon: “Well, originally I pointed out that fact in reference to England. That we meant more to kids than Jesus did, or religion at that time. I wasn't knocking it or putting it down. I was just saying it as a fact and it's true more for England than here. I'm not saying that we're better or greater, or comparing us with Jesus Christ as a person or God as a thing or whatever it is. I just said what I said and it was wrong. Or it was taken wrong. And now it's all this.”
So he was basically just saying that the Beatles were more popular to kids then than Jesus was, in England mostly. And with how crazy Beatlemania was back in those days, he couldn't have been far off from the truth.

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

I agree Lennon was a great song writer and singer. Big fan of the beatles. Growing up I learned that he quoted on tv that he was better than god. I was never really big on Lennon growing up. I was more into George Harrison. He was a great musician. And he was my favorite of the beatles.

I heard that dec 8 in the uk is a holiday is that true? To honnor John Lennon.

I think someone's a dedicated a little too much to Lennon's memory.

lol Kingpin I agree with you on that.


Don't know about the holiday… I don't remember the 8th of December being mentioned as a specific memorial day for Lennon. I do prefer George Harrison's solo career to Lennon's though… some pretty unique stuff like Set On Your and Dream Away (Which appeared on the end credits to Time Bandits).

Ignatz Kaspir
I do wish some people would realised that Lennon was no saint. I'll agree he did some peace stuff… but after what he did to his son I can't respect him.

I think someone's a dedicated a little too much to Lennon's memory.

I'm not a huge Lennon fan or anything like that, but I always have respected him for the song Imagine. And I've looked a little bit up on Wikipedia about the controversy you're talking about. In defense of Lennon, the Wikipedia article states this: “In the same interview, Lennon said he was trying to re-establish a connection with the then 17-year-old Julian, and confidently predicted that ”Julian and I will have a relationship in the future.“” So yeah, it was bad how he distanced himself from his son. But the man died at only 40 years of age. He hardly had the chance to improve the relationship with his son. That quote by Lennon above was made shortly before his tragic death.

Actually, if you can find that info on a different site and it corresponds then good… Wikipedia is great, but as a supplementary source… not a primary source of info.

But, maybe part of my feelings on the matter is based on Yoko Ono's approach to Julian…

And I did like Imagine, but Merry Christmas (War Is Over) while having a nice tune to it… felt a little preachy.

by IgnatzKaspir

18 years, 5 months ago

Actually, if you can find that info on a different site and it corresponds then good… Wikipedia is great, but as a supplementary source… not a primary source of info.

The quote I brought up about Julian can be found on page 3 of the interview. Here's a link to that page: