FOR SALE 11-9-05 Many lots of Ghostbusters figs n Ghosts.

by chris24jc

19 years, 3 months ago

Chris's Ghostbuster Figs for Sale
Hey guys, here's a link to all items I'm selling on ebay, most of which are all my Ghostbuster figs and ghosts (as of 11-9-05) that I had a as a kid.

They're all in great shape, as I was picky about cleanliness, even back then. I still love these guys, but it's time to move on and make space.
Hope you guys see something you like!
I want these figs to live on with someone who will appreciate them as I have.
(I hope it's okay that I posted this here.)
Chris's Ghostbuster Figs for Sale

by erikghostbuster1

19 years, 3 months ago

Do you have any left that didn't sell on ebay?

by chris24jc

19 years, 3 months ago

Yup, there are a few that didn't sell. Easiest way to look at em is to click the link on my post, then select COMPLETED ITEMS box on the left side of the screen, and search again. They should all pop right up, sold and unsold. The RED ones are unsold. : o )

by erikghostbuster1

19 years, 3 months ago

Yup, there are a few that didn't sell. Easiest way to look at em is to click the link on my post, then select COMPLETED ITEMS box on the left side of the screen, and search again. They should all pop right up, sold and unsold. The RED ones are unsold. : o )

How much would you sell those Glow in the Dark things for? I really just want the Peter Venkman one out of it. (*peter)

by Ghosthead_From_Quebec

19 years, 3 months ago

I dont have any credit card so it's not possible to me to acces the view of those items… I'd just like to know what they are basically and condition (MOC) because i'd be interest in practically all MOC or MIB stuff at reasonnable price.

by chris24jc

19 years, 3 months ago

Hey guys,
1) Hey erikgb. Actually, my wife has arranged them all in another auction that will be posted soon, (I believe it will start at $5 for everything.) Good Luck! Thanks!

2) GH from Quebec- You don't need a credit card to view any of our auctions, but none of them are mint on card anyway.
Thanks for the questions guys!