For those that care - "Piccolo Reveals / DragonBall Movie info"

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

For those of you on the board who have a fascination with the upcoming Dragonball movie (I mean a fascination in the way like you can't stop looking at a bloody, horrific accident if you know what I mean) some new information…including images of Piccolo have been revealed…

Other than this weird vampire thing going on…doesn't look half bad….I was expecting much worse…much much worse. If you have seen “Dragonball: The Magic Begins” you know what I mean..

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 6 months ago

Oh god, does Piccolo really look like that? He isn't even that green, he's more pale. And his outfit…can't even say anything about that.

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

Dragon Ball is probably one of the last things on my mind, but I will say this: A lot of people hated/disliked the designs for the Transformers until the movie came out… my brother was one of those and he's a huge TF fan, but as soon as he saw the movie he loved it… so I'll encourage you to wait for the final effort as appearance is only one element of the whole delivery… the actor's portrayal also plays a huge part in it.

Oh and Pete, you might want to fix your banner as it doesn't seem to have the code to display it properly at the moment.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 6 months ago

Indeed… he looks lika a Vampire… but don´t look that bad… or what? do you wanted to watch him green??

Sometimes that details (like painting him green like the cartoons) screw the movies.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 6 months ago

Oh and Pete, you might want to fix your banner as it doesn't seem to have the code to display it properly at the moment.

I've actually tried and retried to fix it, but I can't get it to show for some reason. I've added the codes to the link, but the image isn't showing.

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 6 months ago

I think this sums up EVERYONES feeling on this film. NO NONO NOOOOOOOOOOOO nononononononononono…no

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

Peter Venkmen;128156
I've actually tried and retried to fix it, but I can't get it to show for some reason. I've added the codes to the link, but the image isn't showing.

It might be Photobucket then, try rehosting it at Imageshack and see if that fixes it.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 6 months ago

I think this sums up EVERYONES feeling on this film. NO NONO NOOOOOOOOOOOO nononononononononono…no

I pretty much said that after I saw who was cast as Goku. Then I saw James Masters as Piccolo, then I had some hope. But then I saw how he looked, and they even said he was going to be green.

I'll end up seeing though anyway, because I'm a Dragon Ball fan. But I'm not expecting a lot (I've been reading up, and the story is just barely connecting with the Manga).

It might be Photobucket then, try rehosting it at Imageshack and see if that fixes it.

Oy! Tried, and nothing…

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Wow… Thats. Pretty freaking cool looking. I'm guessing Fat is Roshi. And Piccolo is crazy looking. He kinda looks like a super vampire type thing like they showed in Blade 3. If he were green, he'd look more like he should. Other than that he looks pretty cool.

Edit: There's also a previous post of the poster for Bulma.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

I am trying to hold off on my opinion till the movie comes out…

There is a rumor that the skin pigment of Piccolo will be achieved via CGI. The rumor goes that those images are screenshots from an unfinished teaser trailer.

and the problem with the banner is with everyone that's not an admin or mod cause I am having the same problems