Forum game: A job to do.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

Came up with this because I was to exited last night to sleep.
Also to ease the wait until the game.

99 filled traps on the wall! 99 filled traps! Take one downYour turn.)

Rules: You have to follow the procedure exactly, and only one action per post. No double posting.

So it would go like this(I think, you can add more moves if it makes sense.)

Load a trap here,
lock the system.
Set your entry grid,
neutralize your field and…
the light is green, the trap is clean!

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm loading the first trap.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm loading the first trap.

For simplicitys sake I'm going to take out unlocking the trap.

I think loading the trap kinda encompasses that phase of the plan.

I'll set the entry grid.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Maybe I'm just being dumb, but isn't this going to be over in like 4 turns?

Yehome loads the trap
Dakera sets the entry grid (apparently locking the system is not part of this anymore)
___ neutranizes the field
___ light is green, trap is clean

Isn't the game over then? Or is the point to repeat this process 99 times to get 99 “traps on the wall”? It doesn't seem like it makes much sense, but again, maybe I'm just being dumb…

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

You're dumb, just neutronize the field. :p

by demonaz

15 years, 9 months ago

/shuts off the protection grid

by skankerzero

15 years, 9 months ago

why can't anything around here just be simple?

*begins to back up the stairs slowly*

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Come on Skanks…you've been on the web long enough to know that NOTHING on the introweb is simple. Nothing.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 9 months ago

ummm I hate to break it to you James, but in 30 seconds, if we dont get out of here, we die.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman;145338
Maybe I'm just being dumb, but isn't this going to be over in like 4 turns?

Yehome loads the trap
Dakera sets the entry grid (apparently locking the system is not part of this anymore)
___ neutranizes the field
___ light is green, trap is clean

Isn't the game over then? Or is the point to repeat this process 99 times to get 99 “traps on the wall”? It doesn't seem like it makes much sense, but again, maybe I'm just being dumb…

Your a idiot.

Did you even read the post?

There's 99 traps to clean and we're only on the first one.

It takes five turns to clean a single trap so: we've got about 495 posts to make.

Get cracking people.