Forum game: A job to do.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Your a idiot.

Did you even read the post?

There's 99 traps to clean and we're only on the first one.

It takes five turns to clean a single trap so: we've got about 495 posts to make.

Get cracking people.

Yea, I read the post. Nowhere does it mention that the idea is to clean the traps. It just says there are 99 traps on the wall, and that you have to follow this procedure. There's no “so on and so forth” or “repeat” at the end, so I was slightly confused, sue me.

No reason for the hostility. I simply asked for clarification.

In any case, demonaz shut off the protection grid… so I'm pretty sure that would bring up a bright red “GAME OVER” on the screen, lol.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Umm Dakera, I am just playing the game by the rules, but don't we actually hve to insert the trap.

Simple really, loaded trap here.

-Unlock the system
-insert trap
-close lock the system.

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

The ECU as we knew it is gone. Let's build a new ECU with lots of circular lights! \o/

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;145360
Umm Dakera, I am just playing the game by the rules, but don't we actually hve to insert the trap.

Simple really, loaded trap here.

-Unlock the system
-insert trap
-close lock the system.

Ummm Scott can you read the whole post?

The first step is “Load a trap” so we HAVE in fact Loaded the trap.

Can we just finish up?

Also: we're ignoreing Demonaz shutting off the grid. Why? Because it's agaisnt the rules to do any action that's not on the specified list.

Is it SO hard just to go through the motions without asking so many questions?

by skankerzero

15 years, 9 months ago

I'll need the rules faxed to me in triplicate.

I'm going to have my lawyer go over them really quick.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 9 months ago

Ummm Scott can you read the whole post?

The first step is “Load a trap” so we HAVE in fact Loaded the trap.

Can we just finish up?

Also: we're ignoreing Demonaz shutting off the grid. Why? Because it's agaisnt the rules to do any action that's not on the specified list.

Is it SO hard just to go through the motions without asking so many questions?

In a word…YES.

Such is life on the interwebz

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

In a word…YES.

Such is life on the interwebz

Can I get that in a paragraph?

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 9 months ago

No, no you can not.

I was never very good at writing essays :p

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Ummm Scott can you read the whole post?

The first step is “Load a trap” so we HAVE in fact Loaded the trap.

Can we just finish up?

Geez, don't need to be so rude

Yes I can read the whole post, but that is three steps you forget in between the steps. You confusing people because you have so many jumping off points it's hard to see.

It's like saying “Let's bake a pie, but I already made the batter.” Yet if you want to make more pies you need to make more batter.

If you skip steps, people get confused.

You have to follow the procedure exactly, and only one action per post. No double posting. So it would go like this(I think, you can add more moves if it makes sense.)

Load a trap here,
lock the system.
Set your entry grid,
neutralize your field and…
the light is green, the trap is clean!

So we didn't open the system in the first place? Plus you did say “Add more moves if it makes sense.”

Load a trap here,
open, unlock the system.
Insert the trap,
close, lock the system.
Set your entry grid,
neutralize your field and… the light is green…trap is clean.

Those are the steps.

I was going to play, but if you are going to be mean, then I won't play.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

And this is why I like the fact I am slowely becoming a recluse on the introwebs.