Found an gorgeously written EGB fic on the 'Net...

by KarlaP

23 years ago

I read a lot of fanfics, so I knwo what I like. And this one was just…WOW.

It's about Eduardo and the different relationships with other people. Angsty, sad.

by oracalG

22 years, 12 months ago

Karla, I found this site and I too must agree with your opinion on the web site. It is nice, with good quality graphics and simply putting it ‘Wow’ isn't my area but I can tell you that this website is just the beginning. Their are a lot of other sites you'll find that you will be speechless about. Keep looking, you'll find them. Don't think I'm a salesman, I'm not giving you my website-you are not ready yet…


by KarlaP

22 years, 12 months ago

What are you talking about, I'm not ready for your website yet? I'm a tough chick, bring it on!
