Franchises You'd Like to see as an MMO

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

With the success of Everquest and its sequel and in the past few yrs; Blizzards World of Warcraft it seems like everyone is jumping on the MMO band wagon.

Which franchise, which currently do not have MMO's would you like to see an MMORPG developed for.

Like stated above with the success of World of Warcraft (which I originally thought was going to fail ) I would love to see an MMO of Starcraft. But the thing with that is If Blizzard releases another MMO I think a few people (atleast a few that I know) will start viewing Blizzard as a 1 trick pony despite their long history of games.

Being a Huge Rockman / Metroid fan…I would love to see MMO's of those franchise made as well. The Metroid one specifically would be very intresting…

by mdp872105

17 years ago

Ghostbusters :p

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

LOL. I was wondering how long it would take someone to say a Ghostbusters MMO.

Actually a Ghostbusters MMO would be intresting to say the least. Atleast the mechanics of which would be intresting to say the least.

What drawing features would it have to pull the subscribers in?

by doe_ray_egon1

17 years ago

create your own character, use the money you earn to upgrade your equipment, stuff like that.

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

So in other words….like almost every other MMO then…

by Mat.

17 years ago

What drawing features would it have to pull the subscribers in?

Buy the program, and not having to pay per month for online play or whatever would be nice.

IMO, I remember when people would try to pawn digital crap off in a game on e-bay for huge dollar. What a joke that was, it always made me snigger.

by Frosty

17 years ago

If a Ghostbusters MMO came out, it would be kind of cool to form teams with other players and pool your resources, money, etc. Also, maybe there could be different types of ghosts varying by location.

Or maybe I've given this too much thought.

Also, it's not really video-game related, but I'd love to see a Firefly MMO. (I'm hoping you guys watched Firefly so you know what I'm talking about.)

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

Flan are you?

I was never a huge fan of Firefly. To be perfectly honest I thought it was a bit over rated (considering how many people have been telling me to watch that and Serenity).

by Frosty

17 years ago

Well, like any other TV franchise, Firefly has its share of rabid fans. If you cut through all the hyperbole, though, I think the real core of the story is pretty classic: Good-hearted rogues trying to make it in a world dominated by an oppressive government. Who doesn't like that?

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

Well considering a movie was made of a TV series that lasted only 17 episodes…I guess an Firefly MMO is not to much of a surprise.