freddy vs jason vs ghostbusters

by ghostbusters3007

17 years, 8 months ago

we all konow freddy vs ghost busters and freddy vs jason
but just thoght of a great movie freddy vs jason vs ghost busters
i even wrote some taglines
this time the worlds greatest heros will clash with the worlds scariest villans
when 2 murderers clash who ya gona call
the nightmare ends for the last time
this relly is the finle friday
i aint fraid no muderer
and some altrnet names
friday the 13th part XII
night mare on elm street 9
and ghostbusters 3 im gona write a fan fic about this soon so what do you think (*egon) (*peter) (*ray) (*winston)

by ddayhawk

17 years, 8 months ago

I think Braxtan films are going to do that. i mean thats how they ended Freddy vs the Ghostbusters

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

Wouldn't this count as part of your ‘VERSUS’ topic?

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 7 months ago

I think Braxtan films are going to do that. i mean thats how they ended Freddy vs the Ghostbusters

No, they are doing Return of the Ghostbusters. Filming is done, now it's in production. Plus, he sold the ghostbuster suits and packs, so the possibility of a sequal is probably out.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 7 months ago

Peter Venkmen
I think Braxtan films are going to do that. i mean thats how they ended Freddy vs the Ghostbusters

No, they are doing Return of the Ghostbusters. Filming is done, now it's in production. Plus, he sold the ghostbuster suits and packs, so the possibility of a sequal is probably out.

Not really. He sold all the props and packs from the first movie as well and then went on to make RTOGB.

by misfit1

17 years, 7 months ago

Is Hank still in with nightsquad? I kinda remember their being talk of Bo having a cameo, but i'm so far out of the loop it's unreal.

If so, doesnt Jason currently sit in the Nightsquad ECU?

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

Is Hank still in with nightsquad? I kinda remember their being talk of Bo having a cameo, but i'm so far out of the loop it's unreal.

If so, doesnt Jason currently sit in the Nightsquad ECU?

It's often talked but the impression I've got is that said cameo never went through.

That said… it would've come off to me as one of those ‘crowd pleaser’ cameos, where he'd only be there because people would think it'd have been cool. The cameo of Boomer's group is different… they'd serve a purpose whilst Bo on his own and not with Nightsquad would seem like a cheap filler.

That, and as Bo isn't in it it means their timelines don't have to crossover.