Fritz Stuff: Ectozone Fan Fics and Art

by DocFritz

16 years, 6 months ago

I really don't know yet. I'm basing “Eye of Aretpo” off of a story I did back in 1989 purely for my own amusement. It was written as an RGB story, but halfway through the story events dictate a team of “scabs” have to help out (comprised of supporting characters, not all of them original characters). So as you can figure, in this version the “scabs” get to stick around and take over (considering they're the current team in 2023 and on, that shouldn't be a huge spoiler)

Anyway, the original story was about three comics' worth of material. I've maybe done the plot from about half of the first “issue”. Five or six chapters is not impossible.

I'll be working on Chapter 2 presently, as I've finished “Flip Side War Part 2”

by DocFritz

16 years, 6 months ago

Extreme Ghostbusters: Flip Side War, Part Two

September 2007–Timeline Year Twenty-Five
The Extreme Ghostbusters are kicking back at the debut concert of Oscar's band Mood Slime. But then a tornado appears, and drops something far worse than just Dorothy Gale's house.

Also take a look at the Peoplebusters:

by DocFritz

16 years, 3 months ago

Well, Crap…this crummy VBulletin software didn't let me change the topic title…


Chronicles of Gozer Epilog: Lord of the Steady Wind

January 2008–Timeline Year Twenty Six

Archmage Zandrik Fallagar had gone missing after the events of “Chronicles of Gozer”. Now, three and a half years later, his fate is revealed.
On the one hand, it's entirely possible that a lot of readers will find this story boring as shit. There's only one official canon character appearing in it, and it's not a Ghostbuster–it's a supporting character from the Now Comics series. Heck, there are no Ghostbusters at all, canon or fanon.

But if you're familiar with the role playing games Ars Magica, and/or Mage: The Ascension, there might be some material of interest to you. A lot of this story was inspired by my aquisition of a number of sourcebooks for Ars Magica's Fifth Edition, and gives some backstory on the GBOT version of the Order of Hermes, the wizard society that Fallagar (and Vincent Belmont) belongs to.

And if you stick in there, and make it to the section marked “February 10, 2008”, there are some developments with one of the Ghostbusters' families. It's a development that helps lead into the future seen in “Future Shocks” and the currently (slowly) running “Eye Of Aretpo”

by Nix

16 years, 3 months ago

Ah, Doc Fritz! I was wondering where you'd gone off to.

I'll have to read some of your fanfics when I have the time, but if you could do me a quick favor and check out my photonovel thread (a work in progress), that would be nice.

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

Doc Fritz;130663
Well, Crap…this crummy VBulletin software didn't let me change the topic title…

Go to Thread Tools, and then Edit. You should then be able to retitle the thread.

I promise I'll get this story read and feedback winging it's way to you after Halloween, hopefully the day after.

by DocFritz

16 years, 3 months ago

Go to Thread Tools, and then Edit. You should then be able to retitle the thread.

I promise I'll get this story read and feedback winging it's way to you after Halloween, hopefully the day after.

Doesn't appear to me. Probably a Mod only thing.:-(

by Bativac

16 years, 3 months ago

Doc Fritz;130696
Doesn't appear to me. Probably a Mod only thing.:-(

I discovered the same thing – after the upgrade, you can no longer re-title threads. It's a little more difficult now to tell if a thread has been updated.

by DocFritz

16 years, 3 months ago

Chad might be able to fix it in the Permission system, but I can't say that with certaintly.

Ben: Since a couple of posts got lost in this thread, I'll repeat my suggestion that you just drop the (Update 8-18-08) from the thread title. That'd solve the problem right there.

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

Done and done.

I think I even deleted that part but it got nixed when we lost a day.

by DocFritz

16 years, 3 months ago

Ghostbusters 2021: The Eye Of Aretpo, Part Two

2021–Timeline Year Thirty-Nine

The mysterious new foe moves simultaneously against one of the Founders of Ghostbusters International, and against the child of an old GBI ally that has been chosen to recieve the artifact that has already lead to one death.