Fritz Stuff: Ectozone Fan Fics and Art

by DocFritz

21 years, 5 months ago

A little more artwork to tide you over until “Revenge of the Jersey Turnpike Terror” is finished. I've put up some drawing of the XGB characters (as seen in aforementioned story)–they're supposed to be as they appear in that story, which is why Eduardo is in something closer to uniform and he, Roland, and Garrett are wearing older-looking proton packs (but they're really not, as is explained in “Opening Night Part Four”

After trying three times to draw a convincing wheelchair for Garrett, I gave up and he just looks like he's sitting in midair. It's kinda crappy, I know, but the wheelchairs looked even crappier…

There's also some “spoiler” pictures of the characters seen in “Future Shocks”, as well as one of the Twins as children seen in “Opening Night” and “Revenge of the Jersey Turnpike Terror”.

Go to The Ectozone Art Page and check'em out.

by Kingpin

21 years, 5 months ago

Oh very cool Fritz, those will help with my current project.

Nicely done, your style is definately unique.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 4 months ago

Yes. Well done indeed.

by DocFritz

21 years, 4 months ago

Two more stories:

A mock news article about the “end” of the Ghostbusters, as they're put out of business by court order as everal lawsuits, some having meandered in court since the Gozer crisis of 1983, come to bear all at once and the Ghostbusters accept an injunction against acting as paranormal investigators.
(Takes place in Year Four/1986)

Extreme Ghostbusters: Revenge of the Jersey Turnpike Terror, Part Two
Nick the Biker Punk is loose!!! How will the Ghostbusters stop him? All I can say is…one member of the team thinks the plan is a real drag.
(Takes place in Year Twenty One/2003)

Barring any upsets in the plan, these will be the last stories to debut at Ectozone before GBN. Fan fic approvers gotta set an example, y'know… :-)

by DocRyedale

21 years, 4 months ago

Doc Fritz
A mock news article about the “end” of the Ghostbusters, as they're put out of business by court order as everal lawsuits, some having meandered in court since the Gozer crisis of 1983, come to bear all at once and the Ghostbusters accept an injunction against acting as paranormal investigators.
(Takes place in Year Four/1986)


Very realistic and creative. But wasn't Ray's Occult in Greenwich Village?

by Kingpin

21 years, 4 months ago

Brilliant stuff Fritz :-)

I don't think it matters where the store was, call it artistic licence.
Keep up this great fiction, it's a nice way of brightening up a rather dull day, I'm not kidding, yesterday could've been better school wise.

by DocFritz

21 years, 4 months ago

Um..okay, how about this? Ray decides it won't work turning the joke shp into his book store and sells it, and uses the money to open the book store in Greenwich Village.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 4 months ago

Doc Fritz
Um..okay, how about this? Ray decides it won't work turning the joke shp into his book store and sells it, and uses the money to open the book store in Greenwich Village.

Bingo! :-)

by Kingpin

21 years, 4 months ago

Simple but effective.

That's why millionaire entrepreners loose out to the common man, they allways go for the harder approach.

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

“Future Shocks”, the story that introduced the next generation of Ghostbusters, is now posted on GBN: