I probably would have watched more of the show, if this was how it was written.
Thanks for the kind words, Lurker. It's what a fan fic writer lives for, after all (there's no money in it. :-)
I hope you've read the great stories on GBN by EGBFan–she changed a lot of peoples minds on whether the XGB characters could work or not. I like the show from the first, finding it, for all of it's faults, a worthy follower to RGB–and better than a lot of RGB after JMS quit.
I think the strangest but highest compliment I've been paid recently was when someone said that my stories actually made Professor Dweeb a “usable character now”–and he's arguably the single most hated personality to appear in an official, Columbia-approved GB product. I used that a**hole in two stories, and though I did tweak him slightly…I still used Norman Dweeb. :-O
And to change gears slightly:
I invite all of my fans (such as they are…) to take a look at this.