Fritz Stuff: Ectozone Fan Fics and Art

by DocFritz

21 years, 1 month ago

Lady Enlightenment is a character with more than one secret You'll find out more in parts 2 and 3. But not everything

I just hope more people will take a look at this with Christmas over–three boards I've plastered this announcement on, and you're only the second person to make a comment, CJ.

by Kingpin

21 years, 1 month ago

I liked it, had worries it wouldTransylvania Homsick Blues, but you avoided that nicely. Looking forward to seeing more, Fritz.

by missygirl8520001

21 years, 1 month ago

I, too enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work and you write excellent stories. Nice Job! (*ray) (*janine)

by DocFritz

21 years, 1 month ago

I liked it, had worries it wouldTransylvania Homsick Blues, but you avoided that nicely. Looking forward to seeing more, Fritz.

Yeah, I knew some comparisons were inevitable–one of the reasons the story ended up so delayed, as I rewrote parts thinking “would this be too much like THB?” (*winston)

Part Two should be posted Tuesday morning, and Part Three about a week after that.

I've already started a short character piece (no spoilers here :p ) that I'll finish before starting on “The Zodiac Imperative”–which is intended to be a very big event.

There's one other story ready to be posted at the Ectozone, but I need Kingpin and Sinister to okay it–it's kind of a collaboration, a reworking of a story Iain did for GBN.

I'm also working on GBWC stories–one, “Home Turf”, is done, and I'll let everyone know when it's posted at the GBWC Web Site.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 1 month ago

Lemme guess, does this Lady Enlightenment character also have a fetish involving another “certain someone”? Geesh! I must be on a caffiene trip to be asking THAT question!!!! :-)

by misfit1

21 years, 1 month ago

i really should get around to reading some fan fiction, these all sound great!

by Kingpin

21 years, 1 month ago

I'll try get that story read as soon as possible, Fritz.

by DocFritz

21 years, 1 month ago

Lemme guess, does this Lady Enlightenment character also have a fetish involving another “certain someone”? Geesh! I must be on a caffiene trip to be asking THAT question!!!! :-)

:-O–EgonsBabe reads yousa thread?!?

I'll promise you right here and now that she will never ever become involved with Egon. (*janine)

i really should get around to reading some fan fiction, these all sound great!

Well, I'm not the sort to toot my own horn, but at least, well, a dozen or so people think I'm okay.

Prowl around the fan fic section of for a while. There's a thread at the top of this forum called “Promote your GBN Fan Fictions” that has links to some of the writer's stories (including EgonsBabes )

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 1 month ago

Maybe she doesn't but it would be a real laugh to see Janine in a catfight.
:-) Remember, she does have Egon on the brain like it's the Disease of The Week or something to that effect. :-)

by DocFritz

21 years, 1 month ago

I'm definitely not going to get Janine and Lady Enlightenment in a cat fight over Egon. I like Lady E too much to have Janine beat the crap out of her.

To get a better idea of who Lady E might really like, read the story. Part one drops some hints. And you might get some more below

Ghostbusters: Shadow of the Inquisitors, Part Two

The mysteries deepen, as the Ghostbusters arrive at Castle Vashnivski and meet the strange little man called Chiron. Shortly after, Ray Stantz has an intriguing encounter and Lydia Van Horn has an unwelcome visitor in the bathtub.