FS: OOAK original Boss Films Ghostbusters temple door mold

by JSA

16 years, 8 months ago

Please forgive me for bursting onto the forum with a for sale post as my
very first contact. It is definitely not my normal practice, so here is a bit
about me to familiarize myself with others here:

I'm JSA on 5-10 other regular collector's boards (Statue Forum, Clubhouse,
Sideshow Freaks, Shadow & Flame, Replica Prop Collectors, + more) and
I've been around for many years. I'm a statue, bust, prop, and general
film, TV, and comic-based collector. As such, I have just one item that
I acquired from the Ghostbusters films, and it makes the best sense to
offer it here, where the collectors who love such things are located.

FS: One-of-a-kind original Boss Films Ghostbusters temple door mold

What is up for sale is the original mold used for the film Ghostbusters
to create the temple doors on top of the building shown in the finale.

Below are several screen captures I took from my Ghostbusters DVD.
The sculpt is clearly shown in the SFX extra features section on the DVD.

Picture of the sculptor working on the original door sculpt (note the size):

Here is a picture from the DVD showing the doors of the temple closed:

And here is a picture from the DVD showing the doors of the temple opened:

Lastly, here are pictures of the original plaster door taken from this exact mold
and used in the film, and also a picture showing the mold.

The original mold you see is exactly what you would receive.

I had grand plans of making my own run of these doors, but I have not the
time, talent, nor initiative to do it properly, so whomever purchases the mold
will be able to do just that should they choose, making your money back
likely very quickly, or just keep it and put it on display as a rare OOAK
prop in your private collection, to the envy of many other GB collectors.

The price for this one-of-a-kind original prop / mold is now dropped to $650 + s/h.

Please PM me with any other questions, and thanks very much for looking!


by Kingpin

16 years, 8 months ago

Just as a note, the doors pictured in the second and third picture won't be the same ones being worked on by that sculptor in image one because those were part of the full scale Gozer Temple set, rather than the scale model of the building.

It's cool to see this piece again, I saw it a few years back in a member's gallery on GBProps.com and it's nice to see the piece has still survived.

by JSA

16 years, 8 months ago

Just as a note, the doors pictured in the second and third picture won't be the same ones being worked on by that sculptor in image one because those were part of the full scale Gozer Temple set, rather than the scale model of the building.

It's cool to see this piece again, I saw it a few years back in a member's gallery on GBProps.com and it's nice to see the piece has still survived.

Thanks for the information on that Kingpin. So you're saying that the
doors shown in the film screen capture are larger, or smaller than the
door sculpt shown in the first picture? Thanks again for the clarification.


by JerseyDevil

16 years, 8 months ago

The doors would make a great t-shirt. People think it's ancient & obscure, but little do they know…

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

I agree. I seriously do think that would be an awesome shirt design.

by Kingpin

16 years, 8 months ago

Thanks for the information on that Kingpin. So you're saying that the
doors shown in the film screen capture are larger, or smaller than the
door sculpt shown in the first picture? Thanks again for the clarification.


Based on the information I've read and seen in relation to the set they built for the temple, the doors seen in the screen captures from the film, rather than the behind-the-scenes documentary are larger, as obviously the set you're selling were amost certainly made for the scale model of the top third of the Shandor Building.

by JSA

16 years, 8 months ago

Thanks for the information on that Kingpin. So you're saying that the
doors shown in the film screen capture are larger, or smaller than the
door sculpt shown in the first picture? Thanks again for the clarification.


Based on the information I've read and seen in relation to the set they built for the temple, the doors seen in the screen captures from the film, rather than the behind-the-scenes documentary are larger, as obviously the set you're selling were amost certainly made for the scale model of the top third of the Shandor Building.

Got it! So they actually had a 1:1 set in that detail of the doors. Wow!
I thought in that short section that they perhaps they superimposed the
guys onto the smaller set piece for that quick wide view shot of the temple.

Thanks again Kingpin.


by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

I always thought the temple in the second screenshot was superimposed as well

by Nix

16 years, 8 months ago

Somehow, I think superimposing would have been more expensive than building the 1:1 scale model. I mean, those blue-screen things take a hell of a long time to set up, don't they? And furthermore, a scale model allows you to have a little more control over what goes into the shot (e.g. lighting, smoke, mechanical effects, etc.) than the blue-screen/matte painting process.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

I think that impression is an example of modern thinking imposing on past happenings.