Full Proton Packs

by GhosTBusTeR_17

22 years, 12 months ago

Hey everyone…. just joined up… been meaning to for awhile…. i'm a GB nut all the way… have been since i was a todler…. me and my father use to watch the show constantly…. i have the logo tattooed on my right shoulder and i'm never going to get sick of it…. Anyways… my question is…. on a scale of 1-10 how hard is it to make a proton pack and what's the usual full cost of making one?!?! pack/gun ?? just like Volguus's….?? anyone have a clue?!?

by Ectoman

22 years, 12 months ago

See your other post..

(Usually serveral hundered dollars.)
(Pack is a 7/10 and Gun is a 9/10.)

by ecto-3

22 years, 12 months ago

Its not that hard if you're skilled with your hands. Money can be a minor obstacle to overcome but if you buy your materials as you go you shouldnt have much trouble. If you build a pack take steps so that the quality on each part is at its highest. wink