Yes i am very interested but i only need a few of them can i get the seasons i need? Which is season 3 and 7.
That is 12 episodes for season 3 and 4 episodes for season 7
basically all together that is 17 episodes)
the list on the seasons is:
(1)baby spookums
(2)It's a jungle out there
(3) Slimer, is that you
(4) The bogeyman is back
(5)Once apon a slim
(6)The two faces of slimer
(7)Sticky Business
(8) Halloween 2.5
(9)Loathe thy neighbor
(10) the grundel
(11)Big trouble with little slimer
(12)The copycat
(13) camping it up
(1)The Treasure of Sierra Temale
(2)Not now, slimer!
(3)Attack of the B-movie monsters
(4)20,000 Leagues under the streets.
If you could just make tapes with these episodes on them i would pay $1.50 per episode.
Which is like 25.50 or 26.00 for all of them get back to me and tell me if this is a okay deal k?
my e-mail address is ( thanks