Full set of The Real Ghostbusters cartoon NOW ONLY $75 dollars shipped

by boozer

22 years, 6 months ago

by GalaxyRed

22 years, 6 months ago

you can email me at dustbuster_2@excite.com

thanks again.

by GalaxyRed

22 years, 6 months ago

you can email me at dustbuster_2@excite.com
im very intrestead.

thanks again.

by spangler13

22 years, 6 months ago

very interested. Please get back to me.
vforcedude@email.com or spangler13@email.com

by d_osborn

22 years, 6 months ago

by boozer

22 years, 6 months ago

Hey, I haven't heard from ya… Hopefully you haven't forgotten about me!!! You can always drop me a line at buhdoozer@hotmail.com… that is if the $75 offer is still on….

by ghostbusters2k1

22 years, 6 months ago

You all have email.


22 years, 5 months ago

I would love to buy them.
im an old fan who doesnt care how i get them as long as i get them ive got 75$
and will pay shipping.
my e-mail is
if you still got some please let me know A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!!!

by Dr.Stantz

22 years, 5 months ago

$75 Canadian dollars or American. Please post answer here.

by rosa_don

22 years, 5 months ago

I´m interested?

Is the episodes on 4 hrs tapes, and is it copys from the original tapes ore copies from copies from copies, and so on?

2. Are all FULL episodes there (not cut ore non syndicated ones) , if not, wich ar emissing ?

3. 140 eps apr 12-13 videotapes (4hrs), and that is apr. 2 buck each , 2x 13= 26 bucks in total,and shipping should be around 20-25 bucks depending on distance and weight, thats a grand total of apr. 51 bucks that leaves a profit of totalt (aprox.) 25 bucks, ore apr. 2 bucks profit on each copy (4hrs video tape). That's a profit of the total cost of each tape.

1 tape(copy)= cost apr. 2 dollars
1 tape (copy)=profit apr. 2 dollars!

Maybe shipping is moore expensive than a think, correct me if Im wrong.If is all eps in fair quality and full episodes without cutting , then maybe its not to much, I understand that copying tapes take time, and pressing “play” and “rec” must be very tuff and much work , but I still think it shuld be even lower, but then again, it depend how many episodes that 75 bucks include and in what condition they are (on the copy not the original). smile

You must understand, everybody, that copying from even a premium original mastertape, will leave the copy of the original in worse quality then the orgiginal, thats why a want to know the quality of the copys, of course! smile

Please answer me a soon a su can , Im interested (if the quality is good and u can ship them on VHS-PAL outof US).
