Full Uniform Resorces

by rcthompson88

15 years, 2 months ago

Like many others, it is my dream to build my own proton pack replica, and construct my own full on Ghostbusters uniform.
Currently, I do not have the skills or resorces to make my own pack, and I definetly don't have the funds to buy one! So, I have decided to start off with a flight suit, then work my way up towards making a pack one day.
Does anyone know if there is a thread, or site that I can be directed to that has all the information needed to get everything for a GB uniform? Namely addressing:
Flight Suit
Elbow Pads
Ecto Goggle plans
PKE Meter plans
Ghost Trap plans
Yellow tubeing

Help would be greatly appreciated, and feel free to redirect me if this has been addressed somewhere else on the board. Thanks!

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 2 months ago

GBfans.com has many threads on putting together the uniforms, including website links to buy from. Check it out.

by jogi82

15 years, 2 months ago

hi there!
here is a good side!
i also used it to build my own pack!
i recoment stefans proton pack plans!

by Nix

15 years, 2 months ago

I can tell you right now that the gloves and the welding-visor for the Ecto-Goggles are readily available at Home Depot, Menards, Lowe's, or other fine, big-box hardware stores.